Hash Trash - Trail 555

Hillbillies, you owe your thanks to French Toasted, who hared Trail 555 as an asynchronous trail for us on Sunday 26 April 2020.

See the pictures here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/aeh1En2BaxzKMCzm9

There was lots of rain overnight, and some persistent morning drizzle, so he really had to put effort into laying this trail freshly on Sunday morning!

Someone in your leadership (it was Jed) forgot to send out an email ahead of time, so the only folks on trail are the ones who checked Facebook or the website. Thanks, y'all!

Y'all are getting trail credit if your name is listed here... if you are missing, bother Jed about it!

HARE: French Toasted

Bumble Tree and Blackout Mount, and their virgins Just Hayoto and Just Ray

Mouth Full

Drillbert and Laserpuss

Tasters Choice and Wee Willy Wanker

Bumspringa, Cock-a-Thong, and Juan in a Million

Spitz Dot Cum and Fingererrrrrrrrrrer

SWAAT and Just Suzanne

Radioactive Cum Swallower (RACS) and uh ya know that one chick... (someone please tell me her name)

On trail, Fight of the Bumble Tree and Blackout Mount brought their pup, Baloo, as well as two virgins who are somehow being allowed within six feet of them. Whalecum, Just Hayoto and Just Ray! We hope y'all come back now, ya hear?

Other pups on trail included SWAAT's pup Maggie, who has some kind of long convoluted hash name now, as well as Drillbert't pupper Oliver. Spitz also brought her dog, Max, who she let off leash in hopes of getting the checks solved! Acceptable hash behavior!

Once again, Laserpuss got sent to Facebook jail for posting nudes! She was trying to take a shower-beer picture and was careful to omit her nipples, but she got zuck'd anyway. A worrying trend...

After trail, thanks to popular demand, there was also a virtual circle... which again, somebody (Jed) didn't advertise ahead of time. At 7:30, Drillbert and Laserpuss circled up some of the wankers for a Zoom circle. Participants included:


Bumble Tree and Blackout Mount

Betty Cocker and iAnal


Drillbert and Laserpuss

Care Bare and Beaver Receiver


French Toasted

During the circle, Frenchie was violated for his healthy use of WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR on trail, but otherwise commended for doing a great trail, and thanked for stepping up at all. Additionally, there was talk of Magic Mushrooms, since Bumble Tree was harvesting morels. Besides those health foods, there was appreciation for (and speculation about) a "measured five miles" or a "Frenchie five miles."

Next Trail is Sunday 10 May 2020 (Mothers' Day) in Centreville.