Chick Hill

Chick Hill is located in the town of Clifton, Maine. It is a fairly easy ascent that offers rewarding views from the summit. On a clear day, you can see the mountains of Mt. Desert Island to the south, Katahdin to the north, several clear water lakes, and a glimpse of the Penobscot River.

How to get there from Orono, ME

Approximately 40 minutes drive.

Cross the Penobscot River in Old Town and take Rt. 198 (Bradley Road) to Rt. 9 (Airline Road). Head east on Rt. 9, then turn left at 1.1 miles past Parks Pond Campground onto Chick Hill Road. Less than one mile in, there is a gravel parking area where the trail begins.

Hiking conditions:

This is an up and back trail, of about 1.3 miles total. The trail is rocky and wide, with a couple of steep sections. There is a communications tower just before the summit.

Nearby attractions:

Convenience stores along Rt. 198 and Rt. 9 will have any essentials that you might need before or after your hike.

Unless otherwise noted, all documents in the hierarchy are Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Wilson and Andrei Kurbatov.