3D Spooks?

Some time ago I started to think about making a set of non-flat, fully 3D Luminous Spooks by creating silicone moulds from suitable figures and then casting spooks using a suitable medium (resin with glow powder or hot glow-in-the-dark glue from a glue gun). Shown below is a set of figures I collected for this purpose.

I didn't find a suitable suit of armour figure, however. There are plenty for larger scale dolls-houses, but nothing it would seem for this scale. Knight figures are generally of no use, because they are in action poses. I may be able to make use of the figure at the left in the picture marked Crescent foot knights here. It would have to be modified, though as I'd want the face to be fully covered. Whatever I use needs to be to scale with the other figures of course.

The witch, bat, skull and apparition are metal charms. The cat, not a charm, is also made of metal. The clock is made of resin and was sold as some kind of dolls house miniature. It wasn't easy to find, being of a smaller scale than most dolls-house pieces. It's slightly smaller than the Luminous Spook clock. The Tudor lady figure is supposedly of Elizabeth 1 and is made by West Air in the UK. The level of detail is pretty low, although it does have a creature, an ermine, on the left arm, and that would have to go!

Not being too happy with that Elizabeth figure, I found another, shown below. That stare brings to mind Tilly from the Spooks TV ad! It was made by Corgi, as part of their Icons range in the 90s. It is very detailed and could do nicely, but for the fact that even though about the same height as the Tilly Tudor spook, it towers over the clock and I think may be too big (or the clock too small). Again, there is an ermine that would have to go!

Corgi also made a Mary Queen of Scots figure that could also do very nicely (again with the caveat about the height).

I found this Maid Marian figure by Marx. It's not Tudor of course, but could make a decent enough lady spook and is more in scale with the clock.