Spooky Collections

Stewart Reid's

Stewart says: All the Spooks show evidence of where they were attached to a sprue for the moulding process. Mostly it shows up on the figure as a white spot but on Alf and Tilly there is the tiniest protrusion beyond the edge, fraction of a millimetre but it's there, dead centre of the bottom edge in both cases. And most evident of all on the cat, where there is a full mm on the back feet. The bat has a couple of flaws. The 'eye' has a gap at the top but it is not broken, just the plastic not filling the mould properly.

Stewart made some ingenious bases to enable the 4 Spooks that aren't suspended to stand up in his Haunted Manor.

Here's a stereo pair of the Spooks with a landmark toy of 1965! Relax your eyes and try to see the pictures merge into a 3D image. Re-size as required. Alternatively, print them out and then view them with a stereoscopic viewer, like the Vistascreen/Weetabix one.

Steve Moore's

Steve Luker's

Tom Cross's

Peter Watson's