House of Notes

House Of Notes

A Social Learning Platform

At houseofnotes, our mission is to help students succeed throughout college. We believe that, by empowering students to help each other learn, we can fundamentally transform higher education. We provide students with the best information, tools and services available online. And we enable students to connect, collaborate and share academic knowledge with each other, including friends and colleagues at their own university and peers in equivalent courses at other colleges nationwide.

Free Access to Information

Students deserve more information about their college experience. And they deserve it all for free.

houseofnotes is committed to providing students with as much information as we can about their professors, their classes, their university and their local resources. With greater and more current information, students can make more informed decisions about their college experience. Simply put, greater access to information allows students to exercise more control over their academic careers.

Intercollegiate Student Collaboration

One of the greatest academic resources available to students is... other students.

However, even the most advanced universities rarely take advantage of the tremendous learning power that students can bring to one other. At houseofnotes, we aim to change that. Our platform enables students to help each other learn, by sharing knowledge and study materials and serving as a mutual resource for questions and answers, study groups, collaboration, etc.

houseofnotes enables this student collaboration to happen on an intercollegiate level. Our social learning platform enables students to collaborate nationwide with their peers at other universities who are taking equivalent courses and studying similar subjects.

Life is not simple for a student. The pressure of studies, peers and what not is too demanding for a fun loving heart. It knows that studies are important but so are friends, games, gossips, crush, and most important love. All these seem to be buried under by the load of Studies. It is here where we can help you! Vision - Provide an on-line environment with FREE University specific Study Notes and support functions. HoN brings a complete selection of on-line interactive study aids including lecture notes, practical files, projects, exam time table, syllabus, strategies to obtain maximum marks in exams and much more to help assist students in studying for their courses. Students can access good quality notes FREE so that they can cover more topics at the time of exams. The site is easy to use and is neatly categorized by universities/courses/topics. You can print/e-mail/save/share the notes for future use. Just select the appropriate parameter and study the notes without paying anything to anyone.