Chandrakala Vav, Halol, Gujarat - 23rd Nov 2019

Location : Google Maps

( I just added the location to Google Maps so it may not show up for a while )

'Chandrakala Vav' appears in some of the articles on Champaner - Halol ( Wiki )

However the exact location of this vav is not mentioned.

I found the vav listed on a World Heritage List ( Link ).

I found this vav - it took some time, effort and help from some of the locals.

As expected it is neglected and not being maintained by anyone (ASI ?).

Garbage has been dumped in this vav.

Chandrakala Vav, Halol

Garbage in the vav. Sad or wot?!

Chandrakala Vav, Halol
Chandrakala Vav, Halol
Chandrakala Vav, Halol

The vav has been fenced off. The gate can be easily opened.

Chandrakala Vav, Halol

I just pinned the location to Google maps.

Since it may not appear for a while, see below pic. Search for Halol, Gujarat.

Chandrakala Vav, Halol

The World Heritage List, link above.

Chandrakala Vav, Halol


Champaner-Pavagadh Travel Guide