Dying Wish

The local vicar lay dying in the hospital. His wife of 40 years asked him if there was anything she could do to help make him comfortable.

With a feeble, barely audible voice he replied, Yes, have my lawyer and his partner come up here. She hurried out and made a frantic call to the lawyer. The lawyer grabbed his partner and they rushed to the old pastors side. He motioned for them to pull up a chair, one on each side of his bed.

After about 30 minutes, not a word had been uttered, finally the pastors lawyer spoke up and asked, "What is it you want us to do?"

The old vicar's reply was, "Please just sit there, it won't be much longer and then I'll be gone."

After another 30 minutes had gone by, and nothing more had been said and nothing seemed to have changed. The lawyer, growing impatient, spoke to the old vicar again, "Is there something special you want from us?"

The old vicar replied, "No just sit here with me."

At that the lawyer said, "Well sir we thought you wanted us here for something special." And the vicar said, "No I just want to die just like Jesus; between two thieves."