
Maps of the Merton, Devon - 1886 and 2010

The black and white map is an 1886 map of the Merton area, and below is a Google satellite shot taken in circa 2008. The road net and field layout has remained essentially unchanged for the past 120 years. Even many of the road names have remained the same. I expect there was comparatively little change in the period between 1841 and 1886 if the changes between 1886 and 2010 are anything to go by. To orient yourself compare the woods in the lower center area of both maps.

I am uncertain as to the source of the 1886 map. If you know, please pass it on to me so I can acknowledge it correctly. The satellite shot is, as mentioned, from Google.

Most named spots on the satellite map are to the left of the label, except Cole House, which is a above the "H", and correpsond to locations on the 1886 map above.

There is a building that appears to be of the correct age at the location of the Bible Christian Chapel as given in the 1886 map. You can see it using Google Street View.

Maps of Elimville, Huron County, Ontario - 1879 and 2010

This map is from the Illustrated Historical Atlas of the County of Huron published in 1879 and shows part of Usborne township. Even in this thumbnail the lots of James (Jas) and John (Jno) Halls can be seen. If you click on the thumbnail you can see tucked into the corner of Thos Andrew's lot the letters S.H. At least I think it is S.H. Possibly the house of Samuel Halls, brother to James and John.Some notes about this satellite shot from Google. The white line is the stream running through the 1879 map, though it has been canalized since then. Winchelsea is only barely on the map at the far right of the St Mary's/Kirkton Road. Elimville is marked by the "A" in the bubble. John Halls house is to the left of the label, and James is to the right. However, a new house has been added in the past 140 years, probably shortly after the Atlas was published, so James house may be the one just above and slightly closer to the road then the one I have labeled. I haven't looked at land records yet, so it is hard to tell. The third house, still closer to the road and further above the house I labeled as James', I believe is the house of Samuel Halls. Once again, I will have to look at the land records to be completely sure.

Maps of Lambeth, Middlesex County, Ontario - 1878 and 2010

This map is from the Illustrated Historical Atlas of the County of Middlesex published in 1878, and shows a portion of Westminster township. Both Thomas and William are shown on the map, in the lower right quadrant just below the cross of Lambeth. Both Thomas and William have their last name misspelled "Hall" on the map.This is the Google satellite view of Lambeth as it appears now. Not much to say here. Lambeth is the balloon with the "A" in it. The angle is slightly different then the Middlesex map above, but you can still see road network has not changed much over the years.

This is a map of the Village of Lambeth from the Illustrated Historical Atlas of Middlesex County. Once again the names of Thomas and William Halls have the last name misspelled.

Google Maps Showing Locations of Halls Family in Ontario