09. Adopt a Bit of Path

"Adopt a Bit of the Coastal Path" (ABC-Path) Scheme

The broad objectives of the scheme are to promote and to improve the Path for the use and enjoyment of all. These objectives can be achieved by Friends of the Isle of Anglesey Coastal Path (FOACP) volunteering to monitor a "Bit" of the Path which could be of any convenient length, in their local area or one that they visit frequently.

What might be involved?

Volunteers could decide their level of involvement. A range of activities is possible amongst which could be any or all of the following examples:

  • Adopters walk their "Bit" regularly, and simply report on its status, whilst also drawing attention to any specific events that might take place there.
  • Report not only on any specific problems found but also on improvements they themselves carried out or have noted, e.g., that the Council or another group may have done.
  • Undertake minor tasks such as replacing defaced or missing way-marking discs to improve the overall signage, or reporting locations where way-marking may be inadequate but extra help is needed to deal with it.
  • Clear litter, trim vegetation etc. where feasible, or report “black spots” so that FOACP can organise a group Coastal Enhancement to deal with it.
  • Liaise activities with other adopters of shared or nearby sections of the path.

Perhaps you would like to be a “Roving Reporter”; as you may regularly visit a variety of places on the Path and could report on a range of sections?

Further considerations

  • In the first instance, reports would be sent to the ABC Coordinator, these could be dealt with by the coordinator, the committee or forwarded to e.g., Anglesey Council Path Officer / Silver Slashers for action.
  • A standard form will be available to facilitate reporting: photographs and grid references would be helpful.
  • Feedback on outcomes will be provided to ABCers following reports. Reports and outcomes for all ABCers will be collected together and the progress of the scheme will be reported back to ABCers and to FOACP periodically.
  • Reporting of positive observations about the Path e.g., new benches, stiles, etc. would be welcome.
  • Health and safety issues / risk assessments may need to be considered and advice offered when needed.
  • Ideas and experiences can be shared between adopters to improve integration of all activities.

What to do next

We really hope that you will want to join the ABC-Path scheme. If so, please contact the ABC co-ordinator giving name(s), address and details of the section(s) you wish to adopt. Please raise any queries / suggestions you may have. We will then get back to you with further information.

Steve Hayward 0750 575 9846 angleseycoastalpath@gmail.com

"Anglesey Coast in Bits" Copyright Maurice Lock, with permission