

v1.8 - released on October 29, 2018


- On Windows 8+, when using the help system, the wrong element was shown in the help pane (the one before the one clicked),

- On Windows 64 bits, some system path were wrongly analysed.

- Link to this site in the information panel.


- Added an option for UAC Pass' window to stay on top of others, you can access it in the settings panel (via gear icon).

v1.7a - released on April 27, 2012

Corrected bug

- If tasks' list wasn't opened during a drag&drop onto UAC Pass interface, the window was closing and an error about line 2036 was shown.

v1.7 - released on April 17, 2012


- UAC Pass windows aren't topmost anymore, allowing the confirmation pop up to be visible directly,


- settings go from registry to an ini file next to uacpass.exe, except if on desktop or a system protected folder (it then goes to the current user's roaming folder)

- change the default color scheme to fit any screen brightness/contrast settings, I hope,

- changed Computer Name by Domain name, which should resolve the problem with users on a domain without changing anything for those who aren't,

- pictures aren't temporarily written in the default Windows' temp folder anymore, but in memory,

- added a setting panel to:

- set color scheme to another one between some pre-defined,

- via a check box, memorize in the ini file the windows position (when saving the ini file),

- via a check box, force UAC Pass to use its folder to create temporary files it needs.

- save/update current settings to the ini file,

- explore ini file folder,

- added a task list panel where you can run/delete/delete all tasks (usefull with USB Mode), and open the Windows' task scheduler.

Code notes

- changed all checkboxes by theme-less ones (to be able to change text color),

- grouped color variables to easily change them,

- transform some redondant operations to functions,

- replaced all file install to the temporary Windows's folder (almost all pictures) with the magnificient UEZLoad_BMP_From_Mem() which allows to read pictures from memory, resulting in a better portable application (now only an XML file is written then deleted upon creation of an UAC-free shortcut),

- use part of this UDF to test if a task is running, and delete/run/list UAC Pass' tasks,

- leaving old way to delete a task/shortcut dropped, waiting (no) feedback about above method,

- replaced the manual definition of each control buttonized by an array constructed by each call to the _buttonized() function, allowing easier usage in another script (and this one too ^^).

v1.5 - compiled on 4th November 2011 in the late afternoon.

Corrected bug

    • at restore of classic shortcut, special characters was badly interpreted (Console out in UTF-16LE redirected in an ANSI file)*.

*The correction uses a page code change, making it becomes 1252, and which probably doesn't contain every and each non-latin characters. If you wish your langage to be supported, open a DOS console and type CHCP, leave me a comment with the code returned and your country, from there I'll try to filter your country code and make UAC Pass uses your specific code page.


    • support drag & drop of multiple and mixted files (programs and/or shortcuts to programs and/or UAC-Free shortcuts),

    • support pinning to Start menu and to Taskbar on Windows 7 (should work in any langage),

    • support Add to Start menu and to Quick Launch on Windows Vista,

    • add a silent mode which only prompt you in case of fatal error ; which don't ask confirmation to recreate the classic link,

    • add an option to create a batch file which allows to switch between UAC-Free shortcuts and classics ones on a given selection,

    • Creation of a logo with GIMP friend,

    • add a GUI at direct launch of UAC Pass:

    • allows to define options and to create shortcuts to UAC Pass that take them in account. Possibility to pin this shortcut.

    • integration of an inline help which explain shortly each option,

    • Add a link to internet site and its mail box,

    • Add a button to open Scheduled Task Manager,

    • Add a process to use UAC-free shortcut(s) that points to programs on a removabe media,

    • Add a guided mode which applies a kind of logic when you choose your options,

    • Add a free mode that allows to bypass the logic above.

    • If you drag&drop programs or shortcuts onto uacpass.exe, or a shortcut to it, and if none destination argument are specified, a little interface will ask you to choose where to create the UAC-free link (or restore the classic shortcut).

    • To bypass this behavior, you have to make a shortcut to uacpass.exe that will have at least one destination argument.

    • Add an option to allow the scheduled task to be launched several times at a time.

    • Add a mode to force language (it is usefull if your Windows isn't French but you understand better this language).

    • Add an option to add the scheduled task to the session start.

    • Auto-detect kind of link dropped on uacpass.exe or a shortcut to it, in order to adapt the texts in the mini-interface.

    • Possibility to record and erase checked options in UAC PAss Main Interface.

v1.0 - first compilation November 2010 (first publication March 2011, first external download June 2011, after making public).

    • support drag & drop,

    • support command line,

    • this program isn't necessary to launch UAC-free shortcuts,

    • can redo a classic link at scheduled task destroying.

    • little help include (-help) which pops up an unreadable window...