August 2019

Wavemakers Meeting - 8/12/19

Attendees: Joe Jarosz, Tara Thompson, Ann True and Brenda Anderson

Agenda & Notes

Notes taken by Brenda Anderson, Secretary

Not enough members to make a voting quorum.

Meeting officially started at 7:05pm

1. Meet Manager Software Program and Computer

Joe in communication with Mike Thomas and Dan Landherr regarding preparation for swim season Meet Manager software updates and transition with new meet volunteers.

ACTION: Joe is in communication with Mike and Dan to coordinate meetings for orientation to the system.

2. Wall Banners

Tara and Joe are in communication with Kim Jones regarding updating the award wall banners for the girls teams. Boys teams information is up to date.

ACTION: Tara will order wall banners.

3. Update Wavemakers MailChimp email list.

Received new updated email contact lists.

ACTION: Joe to update email contact list in MailChimp.

4. Beginning Proposal Process for Starting Blocks

Many have shown interest in new starting blocks for the pool. There are many different types of starting blocks with varying prices. In order to make a proposal and work with the school district as well as start the fundraising process, there needs to be an agreed upon starting block and price point. We are inviting input regarding starting blocks as the criteria will be discussed at upcoming Wavemakers meetings.

5. Reflection Regarding Arts in The Park Recruiting Efforts

The booth was a success and many fliers were passed out. Overall, the group felt the events were a positive outreach in the community through representation at the booth with games and fliers. Small changes were made to the flier for next year.

6. Next meeting on Monday, September 9 at 7pm at the Hardwood Creek Library.

Meeting officially ended at: 8:00pm