who are we

Folklorna skupina Društva upokojencev Naklo is active the 27rd year running.

Our members are 8 female and male dancers and 5 musicians (2 accordions, 1 clarinets, 1 barytone, 1 violin).

The average age of our dancers is 73  years.

We are performing dances from different regions from Slovenija - Gorenjska, Koroška, Prekmurje, Bela Krajina in the suitable costumes.

The part of our group is a singing group "pevci ljudskih pesmi" to; they are singing the national (folk) songs.

Our group had more then 400 performances, mainly in our home country and Austria, further in Hungary, Poland, Ukraina, Czech Republic, Portugal, Montenegro and the Netherlands. 

Between 300 Folklore (adults) groups from Slovenija our group was selected for final concert - 8 to 10 groups each year - four time.

In the year  2010 we were in SIVO International folklore festival in Odoorn.