Femtosecond Photonics & Phononics Lab

대학원생, 학부연구생, 박사후연구원 모집 중

We are looking for strongly motivated graduate students and postdocs. 

If you want to become an exceptional problem-solver, team player, engineer, or scientist, join us. 

Please contact us via email (kimjihee@pusan.ac.kr).

Recent News

[Nov.2023] Joonsoo Kim won the best poster presentation award at the 2023 ICAMD conference. Congrats!

[Nov.2023] Chenyun Hong's paper was published in Light:Science & Applications.

[Sep. 2023] Our lab joins the Department of Physics at Pusan National University.

[Apr. 2023] Cheunyun Hong won the best oral presentation award at the 2023 KPS Fall Meeting. Congratulations! 

[Mar. 2022] Chanwoo Jeong and Dong-Yub Yee newly joined our lab. Welcome!

[Oct. 2021] Cheunyun Hong and Joonsoo Kim won the best oral presentation awards at the 2021 KPS Fall Meeting. Congratulations! 

[Aug. 2021] Tao Ye and Nasrin Solhtalab newly joined our lab. Welcome!

[Mar. 2021] Sejin Oh, Tran Khac Dat, Mohammad Gholipoor, and Dr. Warshi Mohammed Kamal newly joined our lab. Welcome!

[Feb. 2021] Dr. Junsuk Kim and Dr. Tran Minh Dao's paper was accepted in Nano Letters. Congrats!

[Jan. 2021] Dr. Kamal Kumal Paul's review article was accepted in Nature Review Physics. Congrats! 

[Nov. 2020] Cheunyun Hong won the best oral presentation award at the 2020 KPS Fall Meeting. Congratulation! 

[Aug. 2020] YTN 사이언스 특별기획 다큐멘터리, "꿈을 여는 꿈의 에너지, 2부 그린뉴딜: 빛과 바다로 헤엄치다" 태양광 에너지효율의 비밀 편에 우리 연구실 캐리어 증폭 연구가 소개되었습니다. (Link)

[Aug. 2020] Dr. Subash Adhikari's paper was published in Advanced Materials Interfaces.

[Aug. 2020] Dr. Tran Minh Dao and Mr. Sung Gyu Lee's paper was published in ACS Nano.

[Aug. 2020] Chengyun Hong and Tran Thanh Xuan newly joined our lab. Welcome!

[June 2020] Junsuk Kim successfully defends his Ph.D.

[May 2020] Dr. Jin Hee Kim and Sung Gyu Lee's paper was published in Scientific Reports.

[Mar. 2020] Our article "Carrier multiplication in van der Waals layered transition metal dichalcogenides" was in the Top 50 Nature Communications physics articles published in 2019. (Link)

[Mar. 2020] Sung Tae Kim's paper was accepted in Advanced Materials.

[Dec. 2019] Our recent paper in Nature Communications was selected on "the Editors' Highlights in December 2019"!(Link)

[Dec. 2019] Prof. Ji-Hee Kim and Jin Cheol Park's paper published in Nature Communications!

[Sep. 2019] Dongki Cho, Yeongyu Choi, and Joonsoo Kim have joined our lab. Welcome!

[Sep. 2019] Ji-Hee Kim's Lab at Sungkyunkwan University are launched.
