From the Pastors Desk:

As the coronavirus has continued to resurge into the Pennsylvania area with numbers that are exceeding those at the beginning of the crisis, I thought it was once again time to communicate our position related to the possibility of our return to in-person-worship in the near future.

I have heard from several members of the congregation asking the question that we all are asking, “When do you think will we be able to return to our church.”

Well the answer is “We simply don’t know.” As this virus continues to infect more and more Pennsylvanians, I have become increasing concerned and communicated that concern to the Administrative Council for the welfare of our members.

I was very hopeful last month that the number of cases in our area would decline leading up to the season of Advent but as we all know from the CDC, DOH and local news reports it has done just the opposite.

Recent scientific reports have been published as research has uncovered that not only is the virus transmitted via close contact, but it is also airborne which would easily lead to the spread of the disease in a closed environment.

Viral contact tracing has reported that many of the people infected were found to be from personal gatherings and events.

My heart aches and I am saddened at the thought of not being together.

First and foremost, I along with the Administrative Council will continue to do what we feel is the best course of action that safeguards the health and wellbeing of our congregation until such a time is deemed safe for us once again to gather as God’s people in the house of God.

Our mission that God has challenged us all with does not stop because of this virus. We are to still be, especially now, the people who bring comfort and hope to those outside our doors that are struggling and suffering during these trying times.

Let us continue to bring the light in the darkness, show how the strength of a Christian cannot be defeated in the face of adversity and through our prayers and faith in Jesus Christ we become victorious.

God bless you all!

Pastor John