UPDATE: 5/25/21 - Voluntary Mask Policy

The majority of the congregation has voted to move forward with a voluntary mask policy for those wishing to attend in-person worship. Those who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 may now choose whether or not to wear a mask to attend our in-person services. For those not yet fully vaccinated we strongly encourage you to follow CDC guidelines by wearing a mask while attending.

UPDATE: 3/28/21 - York District Discussion on General Conference and Other Denominational Issues

Join us Tuesday, April 6th at 6:30 p.m. on zoom for a discussion on General Conference and other matters pertaining to the denomination. Hosted by the DS with Rev. Dr. Tom Salsgiver, our special guest. Laity, clergy, church leadership and church members are welcome to attend.

Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/91695981211

Meeting ID: 916 9598 1211

Dial-In Number: +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

Meeting ID: 916 9598 1211

UPDATE: 3/14/21

Reminder: Next Sunday we will be moving back to an in-person service for those that feel comfortable doing so. We will be having some doors and windows open for ventilation since we cannot utilize ion filtration with our heating system. Social distancing, face coverings, temperature checks, hand sanitizing stations, and other COVID safety measures will be utilized.

We will be attempting to live stream the service for those unable to attend in-person.

UPDATE: 3/4/21 - Re-opening to In-Person Worship

Otterbein UMC Ad Council has decided to resume in-person services starting March 21, 2021 at 9:00AM.

Doors will open at 8:30AM with the following operating plan in place:

  • Face coverings will be required for attendance

  • Hand sanitizing stations will be posted at front and back doors of the church.

  • Temperature checks will be conducted by greeters as you enter the church

  • Windows and doors will be open for ventilation

  • Social distancing rules must be adhered to (no hugging, shaking hands, etc.)

We will be attempting to live stream the service for those who will be unable to attend. Look for the link to be posted on the website and our Facebook page.

UPDATE: 1/25/21 - Lenten Ecumenical Services

The local pastoral group has decided that this year's services will be conducted virtually. The link to the video message will be sent out to each church then published to our church website and Facebook page just like our regular Sunday services are currently done. However, for those without access to the website or Facebook there will be an option to receive an audio CD with the recording.

If you know of someone who would benefit from this alternate method of receiving the Lenten messages, please contact Pastor John at 717-352-7413 or jirwin@susumc.org. We want as many people as possible to be able to hear God's word during these trying times.

UPDATE: 12/27/20

Please click the following link for a letter from the Pastor's Desk on current updates.

From the Pastor's Desk - 12/27/20

UPDATE: 12/13/20

We will be having communion during our Christmas Eve service. You may use any bread and juice that you have available for the sacrament. Please be sure to join us as we celebrate the coming of our savior Jesus Christ. The service should be posted by 6:00PM on Christmas Eve.

UPDATE: 11/30/20

Please click the following link for a letter from the Bishop Park on current updates. Link to letter from Bishop Park.

UPDATE: 11/23/20

Please click the following link for a letter from the Pastor's Desk on current updates.

From the Pastor's Desk - 11/23/20

UPDATE: 11/14/20

With the holidays around the corner and the need to gather in worship being greater, we need to consider the guidance from the Susquehanna Conference and Bishop Park. Link to letter from Bishop Park.

UPDATE: 10/24/20

Please click the following link for a letter from the Pastor's Desk on current updates.

From the Pastor's Desk - 10/24/20

UPDATE: 9/28/20

This coming Sunday (10/4/20) we will be celebrate World Communion Sunday. Those participating can utilize their own juice and bread at home. Then follow along during the service video.

UPDATE: 9/2/20

I wanted to take a moment touch base with everyone and reassure everyone that the steps we have taken are in the best interest of our church family. Here is a link to a letter from Bishop Park regarding the direction the conference has guided us. We are limiting the building use only for only essential activities. While we highly value being together, we value more highly the health and safety of our people!

We realize that there are other congregations that are currently open for worship services in the area and that is their choice but there are also many large congregations both in and outside of the York District that continue to feel it is not yet safe to reopen and are continuing with online worship.

We need a much higher comfort level than what our medical experts are currently giving us now to reopen.

As always we will keep you informed as we receive additional information or any thing changes.

With God's Blessings,

Chris Snyder

Ad Council Chair

UPDATE: 7/16/20

In light of the new restrictions put out by the governor today. We will be resuming with online only messages starting this Sunday 7/19/20.

UPDATE: 6/25/20

We will be holding our first outdoor service this coming Sunday. We look forward to being able to worship together for those that feel comfortable to do so. We will continue to post video messages for those wishing to remain at home still. For those coming to our outdoor service, please take note of the following guidelines:

  • No Socializing in Groups before, during or after service

  • Facial covering should be worn

  • Bring your own chair to sit in (if able)

  • Usher will be available by 8:15 AM to direct you where to park and sit

UPDATE: 6/12/20

Our administrative council has decided that once Franklin county has moved into the Green phase of the PA reopening plan, we will look at holding outdoor services at the church. More information to come as it is available. Unfortunately the decision was made that we will not be holding our Vacation Bible School (VBS) this year. We want all families to stay well and remain safe.

God bless,

Otterbein UMC

UPDATE: 6/6/20

We have a new way for the members of our church to stay informed about church happenings. Just text @foumcalert to 81010. You will receive a welcome text message from Remind. Also if you would like to receive text alerts from our prayer request chain, text @foumcpray to 81010. If you have any questions please contact Chris Snyder.

UPDATE: 4/27/20

Please be aware there are email scams going around requesting donations and/or gift cards. These scams are made to look like they are coming on behalf of the pastor or the bishop. If you receive one of these emails please do not send them anything. We at Otterbein will not contact you via email for donations. You can always contact Pastor John if you are unsure if a request is legitimate or not.

UPDATE: 4/5/20

Some of you have inquired as to how you can continue to contribute to the church. We ask that if you are sending in your offering or tithes that you send it to the church at Otterbein UMC, ATTN: Richard Statler, 61 W Main St, Fayetteville, PA 17222. Your donations will continue to be processed as they have in the past.

Good news, we have received approval from the bishop that communion can be held virtually during our time apart. Therefore this coming Thursday during our Maundy Thursday service and next Sunday for Easter, we will partake of communion together virtually. The videos will be posted by 7:00PM on Thursday and 6:00AM on Sunday. To participate you may utilize from your home either bread or crackers along with juice as the elements. You will then follow along with the video as Pastor John will go through communion during his video messages. Responsive readings will be displayed throughout the video as well.

UPDATE: 3/16/20

The Susquehanna Conference and York District of the United Methodist Church has mandated in accordance with the PA Governor's news release today that we will be closed for a minimum of two weeks. The earliest we will be able to resume worship services would be Palm Sunday, April 5th.

We wish everyone continued good health during these challenging times. As new information becomes available, we will continue to update everyone.

Thank you and God bless,

Your Otterbein Church Family

UPDATE: 3/15/20

As a congregation we have decided to continue having worship on Sunday mornings on a voluntary basis. We will continue to monitor the situation and re-evaluate as needed. Everyone's health and well-being is of the utmost importance, so if you are not feeling well or you just feel it is best for you to stay home then please do so. For those who are unable to attend our regular Sunday morning service we will be live streaming the service as able.

We will be cancelling the evening Lenten service which was to be held this Wednesday, March 18th. We hope to possibly a hold replacement service at a later date and time.

Additionally all church and community events that were to be held at Otterbein are being postponed for now. More information on rescheduling events will come out as it becomes available.

During these difficult and trying times we need to seek God's guidance either through worshiping together or in the comfort of own homes. We need to continue to pray for one another and the world around us. Most importantly we need to have faith that God will see us through our current strife.

Thank you and God bless,

Your Otterbein Church Family