How to Use This Book

The guide is for training the right trainer. That is what I am about in writing this book. I think that the place to start the discussion your kids need to have about money is in the home, not the school of hard knocks. And who better to teach them; YOU. You do not have to become a subject matter expert just a good facilitator.

Familiarize yourself with the Training Guide part of the book. This guide corresponds to the chapters of the coloring book.

It starts with an attention getting discussion about “Money.” The rest of the chapters are in what I consider logical order.

However, the Trainor may see a better approach for the circumstances. For example, you could ask your student to help you with a practical financial matter like making a household budget. Then start with Chapter 4 Planning.

The Trainor could start each Chapter by having the students color a page and then let them tell you what they think they understand about the image and then let the learning experience blossom from there.

The Trainor should supplement the Chapters with outside materials. For example, there is an excellent source of supplemental free information at the Invest Ed® website, You will also find good information at the Investor Protection website, Open the Teach Investing tab.

The Book is intended as a learning process. No matter the amount of facts we learn or the subjects we master, we cannot plan for all the ups and downs life will bring to us. What can we do? Learn how to think. We learn that nothing turns out as planned, exactly. No one, not even an expert, really knows what will happen in the financial future. Therefore, I believe we need to learn “processes” that help us change and how to adapt to change.