
Pastor Kristen’s office hours are:

*St. Peter’s, 11a-2p on Wednesdays, 574-686-2430

*Faith, 11a-2p on Thursdays, 574-859-4456   

*She is always available by appointment;

Pastor’s Cell: 217-553-2812

Worship services are recorded and made available through email, Faith’s Facebook page, Day of Drive-In worship on 93.5 FM and via YouTube; access link: You do not need to have a YouTube account to access the videos, just click on the link.


First Sunday of each Month 

~ Children's Church NOW on 1st and 3rd Sundays during worship

~ Home Communion Ministry blessing

~ Birthday Fellowship after the service

Community Thanksgiving Service ~ Sun., Nov. 19, 6:30pm, at St. Peter's, Camden.

Community Potluck with St. Elizabeth; LAST ONE BEFORE WINTER BREAK ~ Mon., Nov. 27, at 11:30am: Thank you to all who keep this wonderful ministry going! Bring a dish OR bring a friend OR just yourself! Fun and fellowship for ALL! 

A Busy, Busy, Busy DECEMBER AHEAD!