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Publications in refereed journals:

"Asset trade, Real investment and a tilting Financial transaction tax" (with Tobias Dieler, Swarnava Biswas and Giacomo Calzolari), Management Science, April 2023, 69(4): 2401-2424. [Paper]

"(In)Efficient Interbank Network" (with Noemi Navarro), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, March-April 2020, 52(2-3): 365-407. [Paper]

"Financial Integration and Liquidity Crises" (with Fabio Feriozzi and Guido Lorenzoni), Management Science, March 2019, 65(3): 955-977. Leading article. [Paper]

"Liquidity Flows in Interbank Networks" (with Mario Eboli), Review of Finance, July 2018, 22(4): 1291–1334. [Paper]

"Liquidity Coinsurance and Bank Capital" (with Fabio Feriozzi, Gyöngyi Lóránth and Loriana Pelizzon), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, March-April 2014, 46(2-3): 409-443. [Paper]

"On the Efficiency of Bilateral Interbank Insurance" (with Wolf Wagner), Journal of Financial Intermediation, April 2013, 22(2): 177-200. [Paper]

"On the Determinants of TFP Growth: Evidence from Spanish Manufacturing Firms" (with Carmine Ornaghi), Macroeconomic Dynamics, March 2013, 17(3). [Paper]

"Turning Bagehot on His Head: Lending at Penalty Rates when Banks Can Become Insolvent" (with Wolf Wagner), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, February 2012, 44(1): 201-219. [Paper]

"Liquidity Coinsurance, Moral Hazard and Financial Contagion" (with Sandro Brusco), Journal of Finance, October 2007, 62 (5): 2275-2302. [Paper]

"Financial Contagion and the Role of the Central Bank", Journal of Banking and Finance, January 2007, 31 (1): 81-101. [Paper]


Working Papers:

"Bank Information Sharing and Asset Marketability"(with Zhao Li and Kebin Ma). [Paper]

"Non-Exclusive Liquidity Provisions" (with Anton van Boxtel and Fabio Feriozzi). [Paper]

"Banks Incentive Pay, Diversification and Systemic Risk" (with Shuo Zhao). [Paper]

Other publications:

"Discussion of 'Bank Bonuses and Bail-Outs'", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, February 2014, 46(1): 289-293. [Paper]

 "Financial Intermediation and Liquidity", Rivista di Politica Economica, January-March 2013, CII(III): 7-36. Invited article. [Paper]

 "Il miracolo possibile: un programma per l'economia italiana" (with Franco Modigliani and Mario Baldassarri), Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1996. [Link]