WIKISPOOKS: "There is considerable compelling evidence - both forensic and from eye-witnesses - that explosives were involved in all three tower collapses"

Wikispooks on 9-11 false flag atrocity: “Although widely effective at the time, 9/11 changed the dynamics of false flags because after nearly 15 years of mostly online activism by the 9/11 Truth movement have lead to its being widely doubted. A 2015 survey, for example, found that 33% of Canadians were in favor of a Parliamentary review of the 9/11 Commission Report, with 26% neither for nor against, and only 19% opposed.[2][3] This has lead to a new emphasis on internet censorship and the removal of freedom of speech (notably in France in 2015) as ways to try to prevent the unmasking of false flags attacks… On September 11, 2001, a complex attack occurred which killed thousands of people. No one has been brought to justice or even charged with the crime. The US government continues neither to investigate the evidence, admit responsibility nor answer reasonable outstanding questions. Two planes were flown into two of the World Trade Center Towers, both of which collapsed completely just an hour or two later, as did WTC7, a third tower in the World Trade Center which was not hit by an aeroplane. There is considerable compelling evidence - both forensic and from eye-witnesses - that explosives were involved in all three tower collapses. Additionally an FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds has revealed a U.S. intelligence alliance between al Qaeda starting in 1997 and ongoing to present time. An attack was launched against the Pentagon, which was subject to a military stand down. The official narrative fails to explain the innumerable deviations from standard operating procedure before, during and after the attacks. No hijacked aircraft were intercepted, fighter jets were not scrambled as SOP determines and the evidence of the demolished World Trade Center buildings was removed without being subjected to any investigation. Wikipedia editors rapidly censor any evidence which contradicts the official narrative” (“False flag”, Wikispooks: ).