
BIZ500 Management Statistical Analysis 

Goal: The primary objective of an introductory statistics course is to establish a solid foundation in statistical concepts and methodologies, equipping students with the necessary skills to analyze and interpret data effectively. By the end of the course, students will have achieved the following learning outcomes:

Through this course, students will develop a strong statistical foundation, enabling them to apply statistical techniques confidently in various academic and professional settings.

(1) Walpole et al. (2022), Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists (9th edition), Pearson. [Link]
(2) Békés and Kézdi (2021), Data Analysis for Business, Economics, and Policy, Cambridge University Press. [Link]
(3) James et al. (2021), An Introduction to Statistical Learning (2nd edition), Springer. [Link]


Probability and Random Variables

Mathematical Expectation

Probability Distributions


Sample Estimation Problems

Hypothesis Tests

Linear Regressions - optional

BIZ582 Advanced Business Analytics

Goal: The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the methods of making data-driven decisions that can enhance business performance and results. The course focuses on achieving the following objectives:

Ultimately, the Advanced Business Analytics course aims to empower decision-makers within an organization to make well-informed choices based on data-driven insights, resulting in improved business performance and outcomes.

(1) Mike X Cohen (2021), Linear Algebra: Theory, Intuition, Code, Sincxpress. [Link]
(2) Prince (2018), Predictive Analytics for Business Strategy, McGraw Hill. [Link]
(3) Békés and Kézdi (2021), Data Analysis for Business, Economics, and Policy, Cambridge University Press. [Link]
(4) James et al. (2021), An Introduction to Statistical Learning (2nd Edition), Springer. [Link]


Introductory Linear Algebra for Data Science

Linear Regressions

Dimension Reduction

Experimental Design

[Link to the course page]

BIZ501 Managerical Economics