Advanced Business Analytics

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Goal: The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the methods of making data-driven decisions that can enhance business performance and results. The course focuses on achieving the following objectives:

Ultimately, the Advanced Business Analytics course aims to empower decision-makers within an organization to make well-informed choices based on data-driven insights, resulting in improved business performance and outcomes.

(1) Mike X Cohen (2021), Linear Algebra: Theory, Intuition, Code, Sincxpress. [Link]
(2) Prince (2018), Predictive Analytics for Business Strategy, McGraw Hill. [Link]
(3) Békés and Kézdi (2021), Data Analysis for Business, Economics, and Policy, Cambridge University Press. [Link]
(4) James et al. (2021), An Introduction to Statistical Learning (2nd Edition), Springer. [Link]

Part I - Linear Algebra for Everyone

Part 2 - Linear Regressions 

Part 3 - Dimension Reduction

Part 4 - Experimental Design

Supplementary material:

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