
Published and Forthcoming Papers

1. Optimal Influence Design in Networks, 2024, joint with Daeyoung Jeong, Journal of Economic Theory Vol 220: 105877. [Link] [Working Paper Version]

2. Who Are the Key Players? Listeners vs Spreaders vs Others, 2023, joint with Sumin Kim and Kyu-Min Lee, PLoS ONE 18(5): e0286369. [Link] [Data and Replication Codes]

3. Collective Proofreading and the Optimal Voting Rule, 2022, joint with Duk Gyoo Kim and Jinhyuk Lee, Global Economic Review Vol 51(1): 1-17. [Link]

4. Repairing a Cracked Mirror: The Heterogeneous Effect of Personalized Digital Nudges Driven by Misperception, 2021, joint with Daegon Cho and Miyeon Jung, Production and Operations Management Vol 30(8): 2586-2607. [Link]

5. Social Value from Social Enterprise: An Incentive Design, 2021, joint with Jinha Park, Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics Vol 32(2): 54–73. [Link]

6. Social Network Formation and Strategic Interaction in Large Networks, 2021, Mathematical Social Sciences Vol 111: 34–54. [Link] [Working Paper Version] [Data and Replication Codes; Instruction] 

7. A Model of Pre-Electoral Coalition Formation, 2019, Games and Economic Behavior Vol 118: 463–485. [Link] [Working Paper Version]

8. An Economic Model of Friendship and Enmity for Measuring Social Balance on Networks, 2017, joint with Kyu-Min Lee and Seungil You, Physica A Vol 488: 205–215. [Link]

9. Monopoly Pricing and Diffusion of Social Network Goods, 2017, Games and Economic Behavior Vol 102:162–178. [Link] [Working Paper Version]

10. How Food Controls Aggression in Drosophila, 2014, joint with DJ Anderson, E Eyjólfsdóttir, RS Lim, and P Perona, PLoS ONE 9(8): e105626. [Link]

Publications in Korean (한국어 출판물)

1. 인공지능 기반 적응형 학습 프로그램 영향평가: 대구 중학교 무작위통제실험 사례를 중심으로, 2022, 공저자: Booyuel Kim, Yoonsoo Park, Ju-Ho Lee, 응용경제 24권 4호. [Link] 

2. 효과적인 퇴직연금 상품 운용을 유도하기 위한 행태 경제 실험 설계, 2019, 공저자: Seura Ha, Duk Gyoo Kim, Sang-Hyun Kim, 금융감독연구 제6권 제2호. [Link] 

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