Professional Achievements (SOPAs)

In years past, librarians were required to submit "Self-Evaluations" in their peer review packets. Later, this document was renamed "Statement of Professional Achievements." For some years, librarians were told not to include Criteria 1 activities and accomplishments in this document. Rather, the RI (Review Initiator) was to address these on-the-job activities and accomplishments in her/his evaluation. In later years, UCLA librarians were permitted to include Criteria 1 information in this document.

1969-1985 SOPA.pdf
2004-2006 DRAFT SOPA 2 4 07.doc
2007-2009 Draft SOPA.doc
2007-2009 Final SOPA.doc
2001-2003 SOPA.doc
1992-1994 SOPA.doc
1998-2000 SOPA.doc
1989-1991 SOPA.doc
1986-1988 Promotion to Lib III + SOPA + Data Summary.pdf
1969-1997 (21 Feb 1998) SOPA.doc
1976 Recom + SOPA Promotion Assist to Assoc.pdf