ECIL 2016


"Critical Thinking & Active Learning: Definitions, Examples, & Exercises"

The fourth European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL) is scheduled for October 10-13, 2016, in Prague, Czech Republic. I will be presenting a workshop on October 11th, called "Critical Thinking & Active Learning: Definitions, Examples, & Exercises." See below for free, downloadable copies of the PowerPoint slideshow and the handouts to accompany that workshop.

NOTE: After downloading the slideshow, open it in View/Normal to see the text of my presentation, under each slide displayed for workshop attendees.

Slideshow (PowerPoint)

Bibliography (Word doc)

Research Assignment Worksheet (Word doc)

Topic Focusing 4 Limiters Worksheet (Word doc)

1-Shot English Composition Design Exercise (Word doc)

Active Learning Techniques (Word doc)

CAT 1: "1-Minute Paper" (Google Form for ECIL 2016 workshop attendees)

CAT 1: "1-Minute Paper" (Word doc)

CAT 2: "What will you do differently?" (Google Form for ECIL 2016 workshop attendees)

CAT 2: "What will you do differently?" (Word doc)

All materials linked above are licensed under Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. This means that you may use and adapt any of these materials for non-commercial (non-profit) purposes, as long as you include my name (Esther Grassian) as the original author, and as long as you use the same Creative Commons license for any use or adaptation of these materials (i.e., Share Alike).

Creative Commons License