
-the impact of natural physical characteristics of the region on how people live.

Notice that the questions below actually take a focus on land features and how they impact the different categories of ESPRAT:

  • How well does nature supply the people with what they need to survive? What does nature provide?

  • What land forms make up the region and shape lifestyles? Ocean, rivers, mountains, plateaus...

  • How does the people's location on the globe encourage or make difficult the interaction with other cultures? Are these people isolated or well integrated with the rest of the world?

  • How are the people positively or negative affected by climate?

  • How does the nearness to water (rivers or oceans) ensure or make difficult the people's transportation, food supply, communication? If there are rivers, are they actually navigable? What type and size of vehicles are necessary to navigate them?

  • How does the land supply the people with water? With food? With material for shelter and clothing and resources to develop their economy?

  • How have natural boundaries shaped the rate of advancement and innovation by promoting or limiting intellectual exchange?

  • How have natural boundaries isolated the people such that their language, customs, arts, etc. may have developed and endured in their uniqueness without outside influence? Is this situation changing, and if so, how rapidly?

  • How have neighboring cultures influenced this one? For example, has this culture dominated the peoples living nearby, and how can we characterize the relations-- positive/negative... resentful/appreciative...dominant/independent... as a result?

  • How have land forms contributed to the uniformity vs. diversity of its language and traditions?

  • How does geography affect each component of ESPRAT?

Definition of Geography

Five Themes

Glossary with Images