Setup Sharing (Windows, Mac OS X)

Samba Quick Start:

Pre-requisites: Create a zpool

You will need to choose the following for each user that will access the storage

A user id = uid (example: user ID's between 500 - 1000)

A username = (most people use first name, last initial, no spaces)

group id = guid (see group guide below)

group (example group mapping stor=500, media=600, data=700)

For this example uid=500, username=andrel, gid=600/group=media

Add a group for the user you are about to add, if one does not already exist.

groupadd -g guid group
groupadd -g 600 media

Let's add a user to the system. The user we are creating in this example will have access to storage resources but not command line (ssh) login access to the storage. In this case, it's done by making the user's shell /bin/false. (see setting: CLI/ssh access in CIFS quick start)

useradd -u uid -g gid -s /path/to/shell username
useradd -u 500 -g 600 -s /bin/false andrel

Set the Samba password (Samba password can be the same as system password)

smbpasswd -U username -a
smbpasswd -U andrel -a

Set the user's password

passwd username
passwd andrel

Set permissions on the zpool resources. Let's say the zpool's name is pool and the user's share directory is the same as their username.

cd /zpool_name
cd /pool
chown -R username:group share_directory
chown -R andrel:media andrel
chmod 755 share_directory
chmod 755 andrel
smbadm join -w workgroup

On Windows click

Start -> Run, and enter \\IP_Address_of_eon\

CIFS Quick Start:

Pre-requisites: Create a zpool

You will need to choose the following for each user that will access the storage

A user id = uid (example: user ID's between 500 - 1000)

A username = (most people use first name, last initial, no spaces)

group id = guid (see group guide below)

group (example group mapping stor=500, media=600, data=700)

For this example uid=500, username=andrel, gid=600/group=media

Add a group for the user you are about to add, if one does not already exist.

groupadd -g guid group
groupadd -g 600 media

Let's add a user to the system. The user we are creating in this example will have access to storage resources and command line (ssh) login access to the storage. In this case, it's done by making the user's shell /bin/bash. (see setting: no CLI/ssh access in Samba quick start)

useradd -u uid -g gid -s /path/to/shell username
useradd -u 500 -g 600 -s /bin/bash andrel

Set the user's password

passwd username
passwd andrel

Set permissions on the zpool resources. Let's say the zpool's name is pool and the user's share directory is the same as their username.

cd /zpool_name
cd /pool
chown -R username:group share_directory
chown -R andrel:media andrel
chmod 755 share_directory
chmod 755 andrel
smbadm join -w workgroup

On Windows click

Start -> Run, and enter \\IP_Address_of_eon\

On Mac OS X click

Go -> Connect to Server and enter smb://IP address of EON

On Mac OS X click

Go -> Connect to Server and enter smb://IP address of EON

You should see a login window if all went well. Enter the credentials you just created above at passwd andrel.

You should see a login window if all went well. Enter the credentials you just created above at smbpasswd andrel.