June 2009


If doctors can do it, so can leaders. Visionaries who stretch the defined role of leader not only begin to weave but continually beseech God to give them more thread. Leading means to guide – from the front, setting the example, making essential things happen.

"The spiritually conscious leader is an unusually adept thinker who has awakened to new possibilities. Such a leader has an understanding of the importance of thought and knows how to use it to cause internal personal change, to empower others to change and, yes, even to produce changes in the surrounding environment."

Edward Winchester Staff Member (Retired) Office of the Secretary of Defense. U.S. Pentagon. Forward to Leadership for an Age of Higher consciousness I – Administration from a Metaphysical Perspective Pg 4 Swami Krishnapada (B.T. Swami)

There are many leadership styles, but one worth paying more attention to is that of Servant Leader. Moving deeper than other methods, the true servant leader learns to understand the real spiritual needs of his followers and aims at assisting the soul rather than the personality. The Servant Leader concept of dasanudasa meaning servant of the servant, is for one who sees stewardship as opposed to proprietorship. He passionately cares for people, is empathetic and prefers serving the community rather then watching out for his own private needs. Strong characteristics of this type of principle-centred, visionary leadership are willingness to step forward rather than to wait, good use of power, and more importantly, the more he gets the more humble yet efficient he becomes as a servant of the people and …. of God..

"Wherever you increase your love, you become more available as an instrument capable of connecting those under your direction with the higher realms."

Leadership for an Age of Higher consciousness I – Administration from a Metaphysical Perspective Pg 23 Swami Krishnapada (B.T. Swami)

The Hierophant is an ancient Greek word used to describe an interpreter of sacred mysteries and arcane principles. In Vedic culture a sastra caksusa is one who visualises with the aid of authorised spiritual scriptures. There are hierophants accessing information from many various, mostly subtle yet still material, levels, but at the same time there are an even greater number of charlatans. What should be very important for us is to discern if this information has indeed come down from antiquity without change, through a recognised spiritual line. We should not be interested in what some interpreter with a particular bias has presented to further his own cause. The one sure way to recognise validity is to look at the actual messenger. Not much ancient truth is going to come through purely, in a drinking womaniser who gambles and is more gourmand than gourmet. Spiritual truths are just not propagated this way! Therefore a Servant Leader should carefully correlate findings with views of present day scholars as well as followers of the tradition that these facts represent, together with advice of one’s own personal mentor.

"As a spiritually conscious leader, you stand in the middle between the spiritual kingdom and earth…. In this intermediary position between the spiritual and material worlds, you accept realizations and blessings from the higher dimensions and pass them on to others, at the same time accepting service from your people and rechanneling the results back to the higher realms. In this way, you become an empowered being and a highly effective leader."

Leadership for an Age of Higher consciousness I – Administration from a Metaphysical Perspective Pg 15 Swami Krishnapada (B.T. Swami)

At the same time a Servant Leader needs to continually work on self analysis, by monitoring ones motives and actions, as a means to serve without seeking self gratification. Self analysis need not mean hours of intensive hypnosis, counselling, regression, or any other therapy but an honest to goodness desire to become a better person.

For those people who have a more Spatial Intelligence (picture smart), working with pictures to stimulate thinking along certain lines can be most rewarding.

Those with Musical Intelligence (music smart) can apply themselves to developing ideas to work through by listening to choice pieces of music.

Logical Mathematical Intellgence (number/reasoning smart) people can look at reducing occurrences of unwanted behaviour in a numerical order.

Whilst those with Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence (body smart) can start paying attention to physical conditions that seem to occur in conjunction with certain behaviour.

Linguistic Intelligent (word smart) people can journal about their life’s challenges on their blog whilst

Interpersonal Intelligence (people smart) people can network with their Facebook friends for ideas for their problems

and lastly Intrapersonal Intelligence (self smart) can meditate in self reflection coming up with wonderful realisations.

Servant Leaders are supposed to be emissaries for higher spiritual realms - their job is one of being held accountable to God. The Vedic sacred text Manu-samhita gives valuable insights into leadership such as: a leader who does not give proper protection to his constituents is dead! How much better it is if the leader understands and is concerned about others under his protection.

Self observation is helped if we observe others as we can then learn to see the similarities as well as the differences between ourselves and others. By seeing our similarities we can see that after all we do have some goals in common. By seeing our differences we had better start seeing how those difference can make up for what we are lacking, rather than to use them as an arsenal of weapons to further complicate things. By attempting to understand another person we are showing that we care enough to, not only be supportive, but also are willing to act for their welfare. This empathetic feeling generated by a real caring for his followers is referred to in Sanskrit as param-dukha-dhuki krpam buddhi.

"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.“

Carl Jung

It’s extremely hard to walk in another’s shoes, meaning to have to live with their attitudes, situation and their mindset. Role swapping, even just for conflict resolution presents us with another’s perceptions of how they see us. It’s particularly shocking when a good role player actually manages to copy our particular tone of voice and copies our mannerisms down to the last ‘t”. Our personal self work goals are to evaluate and perhaps change some of our outdated mindsets. For example:

Mindset #2 Look closely at your own lifestyle and notice areas where you are excessive or overindulgent. Make a list of these areas and what you plan to do about each. As you make an actual change, cross out that category until you have eliminate all areas.

Chapter on Resolving The Danger of over-consumption and Misdirected Development pg 201. For further information on setting new mindsets refer to the end of each chapter of B.T. Swami’s book Leadership for an Age of Higher Consciousness I – Administration from a Metaphysical Perspective.

The puzzling thing about an enigmatic Servant Leader is his ability to live in this world at the present time with all its difficulties, for him to still maintain a spiritual attitude and then rising to create a global mind-shift.

Visionary leaders raise consciousness and inspire people to sacrifice for the greater good. They have a clear vision of the future and th need to transform old paradigms that are no longer relevant. They focus on opportunity rather than problems. They oftens see problems as chances to embrace a miracle, and they consistently pursue a win-win scheme.

Leadership for an Age of Higher consciousness II – Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times Pg 59 Swami Krishnapada (B.T. Swami)

Leadership beyond borders may well be a new paradigm in management for post 2010 blues.