About us / Á propos

1out of every 3 children in Eilat lives beneath the poverty line

Since 1995, Mrs. Zilli Nehemya-Grossman has been broadcasting the radio program "Latet" /"To Give" on “The Voice Of The Red Sea” in Eilat - helping to recruit donations for the local needy community.

This is how it all began…

When the late Elias Buganim asked Zilli to help him, she had no idea that the following day Elias would no longer be alive. Immediately after speaking with Elias, Zilli turned to the Eilat radio station, “The Voice Of The Red Sea”, requesting their help for Elias. Zilli tried to recruit assistance from the public health services to treat Elias’s severe case of diabetes... she tried to get the assistance of the social services and other municipal bureaus, but with no success. The radio appeal was broadcast on Friday at 9:30 A.M. Dozens of local citizens offered their help, but tragically Elias died the following day, Shabbat, on the street in Eilat, homeless, his plight ignored by the local authorities. Zilli Nehemya-Grossman arranged a funeral service for Elias. Since then, the radio program “Latet” has been broadcast every Monday evening at 7 P.M. on “The Voice Of The Red Sea” in Eilat.

Through the weekly radio program, numerous donations have been collected for Eilat’s needy community – including payment of various bills such as gas and electricity, obtaining babies' needs, wheelchairs for invalids, arranging a "brit milah" (the religious circumcision ceremony of the 8-day old male infant), organizing holiday meals for approximately 300 needy people – Passover Seder and Rosh HaShana festive meals, purchasing medicine, assistance in funding travel expenses to medical centers in the center of Israel, finding housing for homeless people, organizing weddings, arranging trips and outings for children ill with cancer, help for diabetes patients, assistance for victims of terror attacks, assistance for soldiers without parents in Israel, and more and more…

Subsequently, in order to provide for the needy in Eilat, Zilli set up the non-profit association "Latet Be'Eilat" – situated at "Beit Raphael", a soup kitchen which distributes approximately 500 sandwiches to needy children at schools and also provides a hot meal served on the spot to about 300 people every day. The building of "Beit Raphael" was donated to the association by Hananiya Drihan in memory of his late father, Raphael.

In addition, a support group has been started for cancer patients and their families. The group is conducted by professionals and experts in the field who come once a week to lecture on the subject of the illness, ways of coping, and means of prevention.

Zilli is also active in the area of promoting children and teenagers through the project "Freedom to Give" ("Dror L'ntina") which was launched in 2007 providing an afternoon framework for children in Eilat during the school week – a recreation room / "tzaharon" - with assistance in preparing homework, under the guidance of a licensed nursery school teacher, school teacher, and volunteering students. Thus, a possibility is provided for reinforcing and personally developing the life skills of children who are in need of this.

And next on the agenda…

A handicraft workshop has been opened at "Beit Raphael" – for people who have been ejected from existing frameworks. Decorative candles will be made to be sold at shops, hotels, and businesses in Eilat. The program, conducted by professional artisans, trains the participants to do handicrafts, together with helping to rehabilitate and integrate the participants into the community.

Any donation will be received with appreciation.

Thanks to you, we are able to continue our work

Sincerely yours,

Zilli Nehemya-Grossman

Association Manager,

“Latet Be’Eilat

“Latet Be’Eilat” / “To Give In Eilat”:

Beit Raphael 341 A, P.O.Box 4363, Eilat 88000, Israel

Tel.: +972-8-6339916, Fax: +972-8-6339915, zilli_g@walla.com

Association Registration No. 580366276

Date of Registration: 24 September 2000

For Donations: Bank Leumi, Branch 999, Acct. No. 15593/43,

(Foreign Currency Acct. No. 99901559363)

Swift (BIC) Code: LUMILIITTLV, Eilat, Israel

Iggeret HaRamban - The Ramban's Letter

Rabbi Moshe Ben Nachman

(Written to his elder son, Nachman, with the instruction to read it weekly.)

Hear, my son, the instruction of your father and don't forsake the teaching of your mother (Proverbs 1:8). Get into the habit of always speaking calmly to everyone. This will prevent you from anger, a serious character flaw which causes people to sin. As our Rabbis said (Nedarim 22a):Whoever flares up in anger is subject to the discipline of Gehennom as it is says in (Ecclesiastes 12:10), "Cast out anger from your heart, and [by doing this] remove evil from your flesh." "Evil" here means Gehinnom, as we read (Proverbs 16:4): "...and the wicked are destined for the day of evil." Once you have distanced yourself from anger, the quality of humility will enter your heart. This radiant quality is the finest of all admirable traits (see Avodah Zarah 20b), because (Proverbs 22:4), "Following humility comes the fear of HaShem."

Through humility you will also come to fear HaShem. It will cause you to always think about (see Pirkei Avot 3:1) where you came from and where you are going, and that while alive you are only like a maggot and a worm, and the same after death. It will also remind you before Whom you will be judged, the King of Glory, as it is stated (I Kings 8:27; Proverbs 15:11), "Even the heaven and the heavens of heaven can't contain You" -- "How much less the hearts of people!" It is also written (Jeremiah 23:24), "Do I not fill heaven and earth? says HaShem."

When you think about all these things, you will come to fear HaShem who created you, and you will protect yourself from sinning and therefore be happy with whatever happens to you. Also, when you act humbly and modestly before everyone, and are afraid of HaShem and of sin, the radiance of His glory and the spirit of the Shechina will rest upon you, and you will live the life of the World-to-Come!

And now, my son, understand and observe that whoever feels that he is greater than others is rebelling against the Kingship of HaShem, because he is adorning himself with His garments, as it is written (Psalms 93:1), "HaShem reigns, He wears clothes of pride." Why should one feel proud? Is it because of wealth? HaShem makes one poor or rich (I Samuel 2:7). Is it because of honor? It belongs to HaShem, as we read (I Chronicles 29:12), "Wealth and honor come from You." So how could one adorn himself with HaShem's honor? And one who is proud of his wisdom surely knows that HaShem "takes away the speech of assured men and reasoning from the sages" (Iyov 12:20)!? So we see that everyone is the same before HaShem, since with His anger He lowers the proud and when He wishes He raises the low. So lower yourself and HaShem will lift you up!

Therefore, I will now explain to you how to always behave humbly. Speak gently at all times, with your head bowed, your eyes looking down to the ground and your heart focusing on HaShem. Don't look at the face of the person to whom you are speaking. Consider everyone as greater than yourself. If he is wise or rich, you should give him respect. If he is poor and you are richer -- or wiser -- than he, consider yourself to be more guilty than he, and that he is more worthy than you, since when he sins it is through error, while yours is deliberate and you should know better!

In all your actions, words and thoughts, always regard yourself as standing before HaShem, with His Shechinah above you, for His glory fills the whole world. Speak with fear and awe, as a slave standing before his master. Act with restraint in front of everyone. When someone calls you, don't answer loudly, but gently and softly, as one who stands before his master.

Torah should always be learned diligently, so you will be able to fulfill its commands. When you arise from your learning reflect carefully on what you have studied, in order to see what in it that you can put into practice. Examine your actions every morning and evening, and in this way every one of your days will be spent in teshuvah (repentance).

Concentrate on your prayers by removing all worldly concerns from your heart. Prepare your heart before HaShem, purify your thoughts and think about what you are going to say. If you follow this in all your daily actions, you will not come to sin. This way everything you do will be proper, and your prayer will be pure, clear, clean, devout and acceptable to HaShem, as it is written (Psalms 10:17), "When their heart is directed to You, listen to them."

Read this letter at least once a week and neglect none of it. Fulfill it, and in so doing, walk with it forever in the ways of HaShem, may He be blessed, so that you will succeed in all your ways. Thus you will succeed and merit the World to Come which lies hidden away for the righteous. Every day that you shall read this letter, Heaven shall answer your heart's desires. Amen, Sela!

Nous Sommes aujourd ‘hui

Un peuple qui doit s'unir pour survivre,

nous ne pouvons plus accepter qu'un seul

juif au monde ne puisse mangera sa faim. Beaucoup de gens ne realisent pas, qu'a

Eilat il y a des personnes qui dorment dehors et qu'elles n'ont pas de quoi se nourrir.

Il existe un endroit a Eilat ou une femme

de grande generosite se bat au quotidien pour subvenir a tous ces besoins.

Venez la rencontrer et constater de vous veux combien de personnes viennent la voir pour regler les problems du quotidien.

Aides vos freres et vos soeurs juifs par votre generosite. vous donerez un but a votre vie!

M. Guy Sabbagh

Vice President Libi - France

Chére Zilli Grossman,

Mon nom est L-Z. Je suis originaire de la ville d'Eilat. J'ai 45 ans et j'élève seule mes enfants. Je ne me suis jamais mariée. J'ai été dépendante á la drogue pendant longtemps mais je suis ean clean depuis plus de 7 ans, grâce á dieu. Je travaille en tant que serveuse 4 heures par jour et derrière moi 23 ans de dépendance aux drogues dures dont 12 ans passés dans des squats et des abris. J'ai beaucoup souffert, beaucoup de désespoir. J'ai tout fait pour m'en sortir. Et j'ai enfin trouvé l'homme de ma vie et nous sommes sur le point de nous marier, si dieu veut. Le mariage doit avoir lieu le 18.10.2006 en respect de la loi juive. Mon futur époux a 60 ans et un ancien drogué qui a beaucoup souffert également.

A notre grand regret, il ne travaille pas mais recherche un emploi activement.

C'est la raison pour laquelle nous n'avons pas les moyens pour financer notre mariage.

Nous avons besoin de l'aide de gens de bonne volonté et serions plus heureux de pouvoir bénéficier de votre aide.

Merci par avance.

Salutations distinguées.

"Beit RefaeI", 341 a, P.O.Box 4363, EiIaI 88000. Israel. Tel. 08-6339916. Fax. 08-6339915. Registered assoiation No. 58-036-627-6 For Donations, Bank Account No. 15593/43.

Leumi Bank, 999 branch. Eilat, Israel.


Représentante France de I’Association: Ohana Claudine. Tel. 0613-61-42-26 (C.E.R.F.A.)

Lettre du Ramban à son fils

"Ecoute mon fils les leçons de ton Père et ne rejette pas l'enseignement de ta Mère" (Proverbes)

Prends l'habitude de t'adresser à toute personne toujours calmement. Ainsi tu échapperas à la colère, défaut grave qui entraîne au péché. Nos Sages n'ont-ils pas dit : "Celui sui se met en colère, toutes les formes d'enfer s'abattent sur lui" selon les paroles de Kohelet : "Ôte la colère de ton cœur et chasse tout mal de ta personne" - le mal dans ce verset désignant l'enfer, comme le montre le verset des Proverbes : "le méchant s'expose à l'enfer".

Mais lorsque tu auras chassé la colère de ton cœur, tu devras cultiver l'humilité qui est la meilleure de toutes les vertus, comme il est dit : "L'humilité conduit à la crainte de D.ieu". Car étant humble, tu t'interrogeras sans cesse sur ton origine, sur ta destination et tu prendras conscience de ta fragilité de ton vivant et après ta mort. Tu te rappelleras qu'après la vie terrestre, tu devras rendre compte devant le Roi des Rois, béni soit-Il, comme il est dit : "Ne suis-Je pas présent dans les cieux et sur la terre?"

Lorsque tu méditeras ces vérités, tu craindras ton Créateur et seras gardé de la faute. Grâce à ces vertus, tu deviendras heureux de ton sort. L'humilité t'apprendra à respecter tout homme, à le considérer, à t'éloigner de la faute. L'Esprit divin t'habitera et Sa splendide lumière t'accompagnera vers le monde qui vient.

Maintenant mon fils, sache que celui qui s'enorgueillit en son cœur sur ses semblables devient rebelle envers le pouvoir céleste, car il se part ainsi de l'habit du Roi, comme le proclame le Psalmiste : "D.ieu est Roi, Sa parure est majesté".

De quoi l'homme pourrait-il s'enorgueillir ? De la richesse ? C'est D.ieu qui appauvrit et enrichit. Des honneurs ? "La richesse et les honneurs appartiennent à D.ieu" dit le verset. De la science ? Lui, bénit soit-Il, retire la parole aux fidèles et reprend la connaissance aux sages. Ainsi, tous les pouvoirs Lui appartiennent. Dans Sa colère, Il rabaisse les orgueilleux et, par Sa volonté, Il élève les humbles. Sois donc humble et D.ieu t'élèvera.

C'est pourquoi, je voudrais t'expliquer comment te conduire dans la voie de l'humilité pour y progresser sans cesse :

Exprime-toi toujours posément, la tête et le regard tournés vers la terre et ton cœur élevé au ciel. Baisse ton regard devant ton interlocuteur et considère tout homme comme ton supérieur : si c'est un sage ou un riche, tu lui devras des égards. S'il est pauvre et toi plus riche ou plus intelligent, pense en ton cœur qu'il est plus innocent que toi, et toi plus coupable que lui. S'il faute, c'est par inadvertance et toi, tu es responsable de toutes tes paroles et de tous tes actes.

En toutes circonstances regarde-toi comme te tenant devant le Saint béni soit-Il et vois Sa divine présence sur toi car Sa Gloire emplit le monde.

Exprime-toi avec crainte, respect et timidité, comme le serviteur devant son maître. Si une personne t'interpelle, ne réponds pas à haute voix mais calmement comme si c'était ton maître.

Etudie la Torah en permanence pour la mettre en pratique. Au moment de quitter le Livre, cherche dans l'étude ce qui peut être immédiatement appliqué.

Examine tes actes matin et soir et tous les jours de ta vie seront emprunts de repentir. Ôte de toi toutes les préoccupations de la vie courante, au moment de la prière. Prépare ton cœur face à ton Créateur et purifie tes pensées. Pense tes paroles avant de les prononcer.

Tel sera ton comportement tout le temps passé ici-bas et tu ne fauteras pas. Ainsi, tes paroles, tes actes et tes pensées iront dans la voie de la droiture. Ta prière sera pure, dirigée, agréée devant le Roi bénit soit-Il, comme il est écrit : "Tu prépares leur cœur, tu leur tends l'oreille."

Lis cette lettre une fois par semaine sans faute, afin de l'appliquer et de t'en servir pour marcher dans la voie de D.ieu. Ainsi, tout ce que tu entreprendras te réussira et tu mériteras le monde éternel réservé aux justes.

Le jour où tu liras cette lettre, ta prière sera exaucée, le Ciel comblera tes vœux à jamais - Amen.