Upcoming Events:

Past Events:

March 12 – 14, 2020: “Epistemic Anarchy and the Imperative for Epistemic Paternalism," PPE Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA,

July 8 – 9, 2019: “Public Opinion, Democratic Legitimacy, and Epistemic Compromise,” Science, Freedom, and Democracy Conference, The Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Philosophy

May 26, 2018: Presenting "Philosophy's Epistemic Progress and the Scientific Ideal," Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science Annual Meeting, Regina, SK.

March 23, 2018: Presenting "Russell's Reflective Equilibrium," Philosophy Colloquium, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS.

March 9, 2018: Presenting "Russell, Reflective Equilibrium, and the Analytic Method," Philosophy Visiting Speaker Series, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.

Dec 6-7, 2017: Invited Participant for Virtue and Social Epistemology in a Post-Truth World workshop, Amsterdam NL.

May 29, 2016: Presenting "Reflective Equilibrium and Expert Disagreement," Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.

May 28, 2016: Presenting "Scientific Expertise and Democratic Ideals" at the Rouge Forum, St Mary's University, Calgary, AB.

March 28 - 29, 2016: Presenting "Reflective Equilibrium and Disagreement in Psychiatry," at Medical Knowledge in a Social World Workshop, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA.

May 31 - June 3, 2015: Presenting "Quantitative Justification and the Vagueness of 'Knowledge'" at the annual meeting of the Canadian Philosophy Association, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

February 18-21, 2015: Hosting the Bertrand Russell Society session at the Central Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, St Louis, MO.

November 18, 2014: Presenting "A Case for Epistemic Agency." Cornell Ethics of Belief workshop, Cornell University, Ithica, NY.

October 23 - 24: Organizing the the 8th Biennieal Rochester Epistemology Graduate Conference. University of Rochester, Rochester NY.