
Customer Feedback

For more detailed information about my flutes, as well as feedback from my customers, please visit my current auction for my two-piece, tunable flutes on ebay. Search: “Doug Tipple’s Irish Flute”. During the nearly severn years that I have been advertising my flutes on ebay, I have a 100% positive feedback rating with well over 400 positive comments.

On 10-31-07 I received an email from a recent customer in Sweden. He had purchased a 3-piece, 6-hole low D flute with inline finger holes + wedge two months earlier. Here is the body of his email.

"Bought a Flute (3 peace 6 hols)of you a while ago, said that I was gonna let you know what I think of it when I learned how to play.

I like the Flute and I can play some tunes. It's easy to make a nice sound out of it, I'm really happy with my choise.

Anyway, that's not why I'm writing to you. Last weekend we had a irish festival were I live (kalmar, sweden) and there was also some workshops. I was particapating in the flute class.

I asked of our teacher, Ciaran O'Dongaile, to play a tune on my flute. Ciaran is a proffesional flute player in the band Nabac. He is really good at playing.

First I told him about the price, then he looked at it and it was white. I must say that he looked a little sceptical. Anyway he played a tune and when he finnished he looked quiet shocked, he was impressed. He said "didn't expect that". He did like the flute, it had a great sound, and told me that I had found a very good flute at a very low price.

Just thought that I'd let you know, that ought to be a good grade."

On 11-3-04 a customer in the UK reviewed my flute on the flute forum at Chiff & Fipple. Here is the link to that review:

In an email to me on 1-6-05, Grey Larsen, the author of the best-selling, The Essential Guide to Irish Flute and Tin Whistle, referring to my tunable, low D PVC flute, said, "It's quite impressive for a cylindrical flute. Congratulations!"

Below I have pasted a few comments from my ongoing ebay ad:

An email received on 1-31-05 from a man in Dublin, Ireland said, "Just a note to thank you for your flute which arrived Friday. I am absolutely delighted with it. Your craftmanship is delightful to behold. If you ever need any references for your flute in Ireland, please feel free to give my email (please inquire)."

In the six years that I have been making PVC flutes my flutes have been known for their beautiful appearance, excellent tone, and quality of workmanship. A recent customer in Cambridge, MA wrote: "Fantastic! My blackwood flute seems clunky and unresponsive in comparison to your flute, and my microphone LOVES it!" A medical doctor in Vienna, Austria wrote two words, "Excellent flute!" A customer from Brooklyn, NY commented, “Needless to say I’m happy with the flute and especially like the roll and half-cover capabilities for Gaelic as well as blues.” And a faculty member of the New England Conservatory in Boston wrote: “I got the flute and I love it. It plays so much easier than my Sweet flute, probably because the embouchure hole is smaller and easier to direct the air into. The intonation is really wonderful, and the tone is much louder on this flute, so I will be able to project more. I am so pleased.” A customer in Colorado commented: “Thank you for the wonderful flute. I received it on Friday and haven’t been able to put it down since. It plays great in both registers, and the tone is as good as my ebony ‘lark of the morning’ flute. It is a thing of beauty, too. You make a fine instrument, and I am sure I will order more.” And lastly, from a woman in San Antonio, Texas: “I can play things on your flute that I can’t play on my Tony Dixon or my Desi Seery or the Brian Poe flute. I think it is those comfy finger holes and a good measure of magic. I can feel the magic when I hold your flute.”

< xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" prefix="o" namespace="">Chiff and Fipple is a large internet whistle site. In a newsletter on 1-05-04 Dale Wisely, the editor of Chiff and Fipple, said this about my flutes: "Doug sent a tunable ($50)and a non-tunable flute to me, and I have to say that I was most surprised at how playable the flutes are for the money. The prices of the flutes are beyond reasonable, perhaps bumping against preposterous. I think that the Tipple flute would make a popular alternative for the budget-conscious. It is easy to blow, has comfortable fingering, and the tuning is excellent. I admire Doug's efforts at putting a nice flute in people's hands for so little money."