
The Chupacabra plays an small but important part in The Devil's Highway. Is this mysterious blood-sucking beast real or simply legend? That, of course, depends on who you're talking to. What I love about this beast is how it gets around. From sightings that originated in Puerto Rico and then Mexico, the Chup, as I like to call it, has been sighted in Minnesota, Oregon and even Canada. This has led to something of an identity crisis for old Chup. No one can agree what it looks like. The always insightful (and admittedly a bit of a buzz kill) Skeptic's Dictionary has this to say about El Chupacabra. For another look at it, check out Chupacabra Headquarters. Benjamin Radford has also written a book about Tracking the Chupacabra: The Vampire Beast in Fact, Fiction, and Folklore that is said to solve the mystery behind the Chup.And while he isn't as well known as the Yeti or his North American cousin Sasquatch, I still have hopes for the little(?) fella(?). Maybe someday he'll make it big time and get the respect he deserves. Heck, there's been at least three Chupacabra movies, but none of them have been what you'd call successful. Hence, no one is rushing out to rent a copy of Chupacabra Terror , Bloodthirst: Legend of the Chupacabras or Legend of the Chupacabra. Maybe the next one will be the ticket to raise his stock in the cryptozoology heirarchy. Won't somebody give the Chup a break?