

Managing the Impact of Climate Change on Migration : Evidence from Mexico, with Isabelle Chort, Journal of Population Economics, 2022, 35, 1777-1819

"Determinants of Mexico-U.S. Outward and Return Migration Flows: A State-Level Panel Data Analysis", with Isabelle Chort, Demography, 2016, 53(5), 1453-1476 doi:10.1007/s13524-016-0503-9

"Land, Peasants and Migrants : at the Heart of Chinese Development?", with Li Shi and Thomas Vendryes, Regards sur la Terre, AFD/IDDRI, Armand Collin, April 2012

"Land Rights and Rural-Urban Migration in China", with Deng Quheng, Li Shi and Thomas Vendryes, China Perspectives, september 2008

"Le contrôle des migrations en Chine : un atout économique?", French Agency of Development, forthcoming

"Les Pékinois de l'ombre", Connexions, Magazine de la Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Francaise en Chine, n°35 Spécial Pékin, automne 2006, p.53-54

"Les risques pesant sur la croissance chinoise", in La Chine, un colosse .financier? Le système financier à l'aube du XXIème siècle, EURASFI (Europe Asie Finance), 2006, Paris, Vuibert