Likever Independent Young Men's Association

Likever Independent Young Men's Association (Stowarzyszenie Niezaleznych Mlodych Lukowian in Polish) was founded on 30 December 1910 by two Jewish immigrants from Poland: painter Louis Rosenbaum and Elias (Eli) Youngstein. Two years later the society received a legal status. According to the incorporation records dated August, 29 1912 the society's board included the following persons:

Louis Rosenbaum, 218 West 112th Street, NY City

Sam Lavitt, 750 Third Avenue, Brooklyn, NY

Joseph Lavitt, 540 Fifth Street, New York City

Morris Lavitt, 2 Avenue "A", New York City

Harry Lavitt, 540 Fifth Street, New York City

Elias Youngstein, 898 Union Avenue, the Bronx, NY City

In 1914 the Likever Association bought a gravesite at United Hebrew Cemtery in Staten Island.

In the same year it joined the Federation of Polish Jews in America.

Louis Rosenbaum, President of LIYMA

Louis Rosenbaum, President of LIYMA

After the end of the World War I the Likever Association received many new members, refugees from Lukow, who immigrated to America. In 1934 a new Lukow society was set up in New York named Lukower Branch 153. The two organizations closely cooperated with each other. As a result of this collaboration a Youth Club appeared with Morris Youngstein as its chairman.

The Likever Association provided financial aid not only to its members in America, but also to citizens of Lukow. This aid lasted until the beginning of the WWII. One of the recepients of this aid was Louis Rosenbaum's sister and my grandmother Praskovia Kushner, who lived in Moscow.

One may suggest that years later LIYMA became part of other Lukower societies, Lukower Club (est. in 1953) and Mezricher Society in Los Angeles. The society's records for the period from 1935 through 1982 are held at YIVO Institute for Jewish Research in New York, NY.

After Louis Rosenbaum's death in 1938, he was taken over by Morris Zuckerman. He died on October 13, 1943. The announcement of his death was published by The New York Times.

Morris Zuckerman necrology

In 1960 the Likever Independent Young Men's Association celebrated its 50th anniversary.

Likever Independent Young Men's Association celebrating its 50th anniversary

Likever Independent Young Men's Association celebrating its 50th anniversary. New York, 1960.

This information is based upon Krzysztof Czubaszek's web-site Zydzi Lukowa i okolic and his eponimously-named book.


MEN'S AND LADIES ASSOCIATION, NEW YORK, 1935 (click image to view)

Received from Cindy Eisner (Israel)

The names of executives and members of Likever Independent Young Men’s Association as they are written on the gravesite gates at United Hebrew Cemetery in Staten Island, New York


Organized Dec. 30, 1910

Left part

Samuel Schlictovitz

Rose Schlictovitz

Noah Weiner

Lena Weiner

Louis Finkelstein

Rose Finkelstein


Louis Rosenbaum, Chairman

Joseph Cohen, Vice Chairman

Isidore Eisenberg, Fin. Secretary

Samuel Marcus, Rec. Sec.

Isidore Wadofsky, Treasurer

Arrangement Comm.

Louis Rosenbaum, Chairman

Hyman Lederfarb

Mollie Youngstein

Isidore Eisenberg

Louis Marmon

Jacob Rosenbaum


Harry Zuckerman

Celia Zuckerman

Samuel Feldstein

Cussie Feldstein

Abraham Glassman

Eva Glassman

Nathan Lavitt

Rebecca Lavitt

Morris Morgenstern

Morris Fishbein

Rose Fishbein

Max Alabaster

Annie Alabaster

Bennie Mandelbaum

Sarah Mandelbaun

Left part, inner side

Morris Zuckerman

Annie Zuckerman

Mr. & Mrs. Alterzucker

Tobias Zucker

Jacob Toback

Ida Toback

Esther Toback

Right part

Samuel Pelzman

Annie Pelzman

Alter Fishbein

Jennie Fishbein

David Artman

Esther Artman

Ex officers

Elias Youngstein, Fin

Elias Schlictowitz, Fin

Hyman Lederfarb, Fin.

Nathan Lavitt, Rec.

Joseph Herman, Rec.

Isidore Friedberg, Rec.

David Artmen, Rec.

Harry Greenwald, Rec.

Morris Zuckerman, Rec.

Philip Katzman, Treas.

Joseph Lavitt, Treas.

Samuel Youngstein, Treas.


Joseph Cohen

Annie Cohen

Jack T. Lavitt

Yachet Lavitt

Jacob Brown

Lizzie Brown

Max Brown

Rose Brown

Harry Lavitt

Rebecca Lavitt

Abie Brown

Charlotte Brown

Hynab Starcut

Samuel Naterman

Ida Naterman

Albert Brown, Fin. Sec.

Sylvia Brown

Right part, inner side

Joe N. Lavitt

Lena R. Lavitt

Morris Lavitt

Dorothy Lavitt

Louis Baum

Sarah Baum

Samuel Jacobs

Paula Jacobs

Isidore Benson

Celia Benson

Louis Rosenbaum | Likever Independent Young Men's Association | The Rosenbaum family

The Kushner family | Lukow today | Old Lukow | Jewish Lukow | Disaster of the Lukow Jews | About myself