2016 IMWC Vancouver - Fusion Tables

BIA Tribal Leaders Directory

Copy and paste this link into your Fusion Table import dialog box


This is the spreadsheet you are importing into your Fusion Table

We will begin with a Google Spreadsheet of the BIA database providing the contact information for Tribes in the U.S. and use this to create a Fusion Table map

Activity for today's session:

Here are the Fusion Tables we will be creating in this session - if you get lost while building your own please feel free to go to these Fusion Tables to see what we are doing

BIA Tribal Contacts Fusion Table

Merged State Boundaries and Census Data

The 3rd annual Indigenous Mapping Workshop Canada at the Musqueam Cultural Center, November 7-10, 2016

For today’s session you will need:

    • A laptop computer (not a mobile device, phones and tablets won’t be enough)

    • A Google Account https://google.com

    • Make sure that you can access Google Drive (some work and school laptops have filters) https://drive.google.com and make sure that you can add Fusion Tables to your Google Drive - you may have to contact your IT department if you have a work or school laptop.

Fusion Tables

Here is an example of the map you will create using Fusion Tables and the BIA Tribal Directory

Now we will make a map using polygons of the U.S. state boundaries

Go to this link and make a copy of the FT


Here is an example of the map you will make

Next we will make a map of the U.S. American Indian/Alaska Native population size by state from the U.S. Census data

This will require two steps: we will use a spreadsheet of the population data to create a new Fusion Table, then we will merge this population Fusion Table with our State Boundaries Fusion Table

Create a new Fusion Table and Copy and Paste this link into your Fusion Table import dialog box


This is the spreadsheet you are importing into your Fusion Table

AI/AN US population change

Next we will merge our population data Fusion Table with our State Boundaries Fusion Table - you can "fuse" the Fusion Tables because they each have a column that is the same "state name"

Here is an example of a map we will make of the percent change in population size from 2000 to 2010

Now we will create an interactive chart of the percent population change by state