CrossMgr/RaceDB: Support for Long Competition Names

Post date: Jun 14, 2017 8:11:28 AM

CrossMgr and RaceDB now have a "Long Name" field in addition to the "Name" field.

This makes it easier to handle competition names which are unwieldy, or contain characters that are not allowed in file names. For example, say the full name of a competition is:

"Regional Championships p/b SuperDrink & Pedal People"

This is a long name and contains two characters not allowed in file names ('/' and '&').

However, it is the official event name that should appear on all results.

To make this happen, but still have reasonable names for everything else, make this the long name, and set the regular name to something reasonable like "Regional Champ".

This makes it easier to manage all the results files (.html, .pdf, .Excel, etc.) as they will be named "Regional Champ.html", etc. However, they will show the full race name in the title "Regional Championships p/b SuperDrink & Pedal People".