
    Conley's Little Critters Preschool provides a play based curriculum. We believe learning through play is the best way to ready our little ones for the love of lifelong learning. We will learn in areas such as art, early reading, social emotional skills, fine and gross motor. 

Paideia Classical Community is a homeschool group we participate in as family. Pieces of our Christian elementary school education is wrapped into our early ed learning by dialing down the material and putting it into fun learning centers. Children are encouraged to join but are also free to play and learn their own way outside of the short group lessons when they want. We go over roughly 2 subjects a day which include math, geography, history, english grammar, latin, and science.

Enrichment classes outside of the home can include Read and Seed, library story times, and community music classes. We attend these classes occasionally when it fits best into our current school themes.