Daily Routine

Why do we follow a daily routine?

    Children thrive on organization and learn better with a daily routine. We provide a flexible and positive environment where children's needs can be met within a routine. It also provides children with a sense of identity, stability and consistency. A routine can help with transitions like separation from parents, nap times, meal times, toileting, field trips, and daily organization. If needed we provide a visual aid of our daily routine that can help children move throughout their day more comfortably knowing what to expect next. Flexibility is key, we don't have set times (other than meals and nap) but rather windows of time we explore in. This is also helpful for young babies to schedule good eating habits and introduce them into a world of meals with solid foods. Any field trips to the library, park or other special outings will be done in the morning. Field trip days will be marked on the calendar and do sometime include all day trips (Denver zoo or museums) and are optional for all children. Dependable patterns will make each day easier for the entire family both here and at home. 

Here is an example of what our daily schedule looks like:

Free Play and Breakfast~ 8 am

Group Time/ Music and Movement

Centers/ baby am naps

Art/ Manipulates


Lunch ~ 12 pm

Quiet Time/ Individual teaching time ~ 1:00-3:00 pm

Snack ~ 3:30 pm

Recess and goodbyes

Closed ~ 4 pm

Some great sites for organizing a routine at home!

Baby wise mom

Precious Little Sleep