Nuclear Renaissance

In Finland, Nuclear Renaissance Runs Into Trouble by James Kanter, New York Times (May 28, 2009). The massive power plant under construction on muddy terrain on this Finnish island was supposed to be the showpiece of a nuclear renaissance. But things have not gone as planned.

The Emperor Has No Pressure Vessel... The Catastrophic Economics of Nuclear Power by Harvey Wasserman (Weekend Edition May 29-31, 2009). In a devastating pair of financial reports that might be called "The Emperor Has No Pressure Vessel," the New York Times (above) has blazed new light on the catastrophic economics of atomic power.

And from the Areva blog...Nuclear Renaissance Is Just Fine, Thank You by Jarret Adams (May 29, 2009) According to this writer, all is well with the Nuclear Renaissance.

The Financial Crisis and Nuclear Power (PDF file) by Professor Steve Thomas and David Hall PSIRU, Business School, University of Greenwich, February 2009. This paper examines the burning financial questions around the ''Nuclear Renaissance'', and the continued resistance by private investors to provide financing for new nuclear reactors.