Being a scientist

Doing science and being a "good" scientist entails many things that other sections of this website cover, such as traveling to conferences and workshops, thinking of and conducting research projects, and publishing and presenting your work. But there is so much more, and it's only fitting to dedicate some space to these aspects of scientific work that don't fit on a standardized CV. I also strongly recommend CogTales, which discusses being a scientist from the perspective of junior female cognitive scientists.

Events, meetings, etc

I am having a great time together with my colleague Katie von Holzen organizing a joint workshop on the work in babylabs, topics range from exchanging hints to keep our small participants happy to collecting ideas how to communicate with the general public and recruit new participants. Here's the meeting website.

DEC Methods is a department-internal (hence the DEC) series of lectures and discussions on good research practices, with the goal of arriving at solutions that can be implemented and help us in our daily research life.


One easily forgets, but reviews are still the motor that keeps the publishing process, and thus academia, going. Here's my publons profile, documenting my review activity.