Past Events 2019-2020 School Year

Heather Boorman is Back!

PAGE is excited to invite Heather back for two amazing presentations!

Our Presenter: Heather Boorman is the founding director of Boorman Counseling in Western Wisconsin. She specializes as a trauma therapist and working with “kids on the fringes” and their families, who live with the joys and challenges of atypical developmental needs. Additionally, Heather is the author of The Gifted Kids Workbook and writes & podcasts at The Fringy Bit, to provide REAL support to parents who love a differently wired child.

Event 1: (for parents, caregivers, and educators)

“Existential Depression and Anxiety” 

When: May 13th, 2021

Location: Virtual

Time: 6:30-8:00pm

We know that gifted individuals are more prone to existential depression and are most likely experiencing greater existential concerns as the entire world has been facing unprecedented existential crises over the past year. What can do we do about it? This free virtual session will share strategies to identify existential depression, consider factors creating this increased

susceptibility among our students, and outline practical interventions to support our children and youth and improve their overall wellness.

Event 2: (for students in grades 6-12)

“Stress and Anxiety Management” 

When: May 20th, 2021

Location: Virtual

Time: 6:30-7:30pm

The number one thing I hear from kids in my therapy office is that they are stressed. We've had a lot of unusual and emotional things happen over the past year, adding to an already stressful life for many students. Gifted kids often feel this stress even bigger and the stress can feel more unmanageable than for more typically wired kids. Join other kids like you to learn why things might feel more stressful for you and how to manage life so you aren't constantly feeling on the

edge of meltdown.

This class is offered FREE to students of PAGE ( Member school districts.  Advanced registration is required.  Please contact your school district's gifted coordinator or PAGE representative for registration information. 

Chess Instruction by Ryan Murphy of the International Academy of Chess 

JOIN US! Limited spots are still available!

WHEN: April 14th, 21st, 28th, and May 5th, 12th 19th.

There will be two sessions for each date:


5:00-6:00PM will be for beginner chess players

 6:00-7:00PM for intermediate players 

Please sign up for the best session for your schedule and child's skill level.

WHEN: Virtually! 

Our speaker: Ryan Murphy is a USCF Expert and Head Instructor. He has been a professional chess coach since 2015, working with both scholastic and adult chess improvers. He became a certified Steps Method Trainer in the summer of 2020, which has improved the way he breaks down essential concepts to beginner level players. Many of the didactic methods of this system will be used in these classes.

Each class will consist of:

 + Brief interactive lesson introducing new chess concepts

 + Solving puzzles as a group on the central topic

 + Playing mini-games to reinforce new material

 + Curriculum based on the Dutch Steps Method

This class is offered FREE to students of PAGE ( Member school districts.  Advanced registration is required.  Please contact your school district's gifted coordinator or PAGE representative for registration information. 

Jerry Pallotta, Famous Author of the Who Would Win Series?

Welcome to the Read a Zillion Books Tour 2021 ®!

When: Monday, February 15, 2021 (Grades: 1st-4th Only) & 

   Tuesday, February 16, 2021 (Grades 5th-8th only)

Time: 6:00- 7:00 p.m. Questions Following Presentation

Where: Virtually with sign up and attendance link being sent via EVENTBRITE. 

Registration open now--Please contact you PAGE representative for information on how to register.

Jerry has been writing children’s books for over 30 years and has traveled all over the United States visiting schools. Jerry grew up in Scituate, Massachusetts and his books reflect his adventures with his large family. Jerry is most famous for his Who Would Win? Series that is popular with Scholastic Book sales. Jerry is an easy going, humorous speaker who has a lot to share about his journey as an author! Please join us for a fun night of adventure and giggles! If you want to learn more about Jerry visit his website here:

Jerry is offering PAGE the opportunity to order books at a discounted rate. The ordering sheet will be forwarded to you after the presentation. Please print, complete and send to the address at the bottom of the form. Order forms will be sent directly to Jerry and will not be collected by PAGE nor your home school. Jerry is very generous about signing and personalizing any book order, large or small. 

This presentation is offered FREE to students of PAGE member school districts.

The Social and Emotional Development of Giftedness: What Do We Know?

Join us for this virtual presentation by Dr. Jane Leppien

Because of characteristics associated with giftedness (e.g., sensitivity, intensity, perceptiveness, overexcitabilities, advancement in certain talent areas, advanced moral development) some students experience their social and emotional development quite differently. These characteristics may contribute to challenges they face with same age peers, siblings, and in the home and school environments. It is important that parents, educators, counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists be informed about the affective development of these students and aware of strategies to provide for their positive growth. Come join us for an interactive conversation!

When: Monday, January 11, 2021

Time: 6-7:30 p.m. (presentation 6-7, Q&A 7-7:30)

About the speaker: Dr. Jann Leppien is the Margo Long Endowed Chair in Gifted Education and Professor in the Graduate Studies in Education at Whitworth University in Spokane, WA. Whitworth's Center for Gifted Education supports and develops policies and practices that encourage the diverse expressions of gifts and talents in children and youth from all cultures, racial and ethnic backgrounds, and socioeconomic groups and offers educators a specialty endorsement and master’s degrees in gifted education. She is the co-author of The Multiple Menu Model: A Practical Guide for Developing Differentiated Curriculum, and The Parallel Curriculum: A Design to Develop High Potential and Challenge High-Ability Students and numerous articles in designing high quality curriculum for advanced students.


This presentation is offered FREE to staff and parents of PAGE ( Member school districts.  Advanced registration is required.  Please contact your school district's gifted coordinator for registration information. 

College Panel

Please join us for our annual PAGE career panel.

Wednesday January 6th, 6:00-7:30 via Zoom.

Please contact your school district's GT coordinator for information on how to join. 

Join us for an informal, moderated panel discussion designed to help you learn from students who were in your position not so long ago. 

Hear recent high school graduates who were involved in gifted and advanced education share their thoughts and experiences as they have embarked on the next step of their education 

Gain insight as they share about chosen pursuits, challenges they experienced, and how their choices in high school have benefited them in their journey. 

Ask them about planning and preparing for college and careers. 

This event is recommended for gifted students in grades 8-12 and their parents.

Take a Trip to Mars...Virtually!

"Moving to Mars" ******Second Show Added!******  

Join PAGE and the UWM Planetarium for a virtual presentation exploring what we’ve already learned about the habitability of the red planet and the challenges we will need to overcome to put a human on Mars. 

Tuesday, November 10 -- 6:30 - 7:00pm ----FULL

Registration Opens October 27 at 8pm and is limited to the first 100 registrants. 

Monday, November 16--6:30 - 7:00pm-----FULL

Registration Opens October 30 at 8am and is limited to the first 100 registrants.

No fee to attend! 

Recommended for ages 10+ 

Both shows are the same so please only sign up for one showing.