Dynabot: A Modular Quadruped Platform with Dynamixel

Dynabot is a small-size quadruped robot platform that is inexpensive and easy to build. 

It utilizes Dynamixel servos and frames.

Dynabot can be move by using Raibert Heuristic, Inverse Kinematic, or Reinforcement Learning.

Github: https://github.com/cirlseoultech/dynabot_description

In Gazebo and real world, Dynabot can move in flat, stairs, and slope. It also can balance its body orientation on rotating platform.

If there is no slip, Dynabot can traverse stairs with 4cm height and slope with 20 degree.

Dynabot can be trained in Isaac gym using PPO with parallel learning regimes.

Dynabot utilizes the camera and lidar to perceive the environment.

The information from these sensors can be use to make SLAM with Gmapping and Elevation map.