
Introduction of Nano Manufacturing Technology Laboratory

We focused on the novel manufacturing technologies for micro/nano structures

for optical, biological, mechanical, and energy applications 

    ◈ Key manufacturing technologies

      1. Nanoreplication / Nanoimprinting for polymer, glass and metallic materials

      2. Novel nano manufacturing technologies 

          (Glancing angle deposition, Vitreous Carbon, Metal Enhanced Chemical etching)

      3. Conventional micro/nano patterning (Photo lithography, Etching, etc.)


    ◈ Application fields

      1. Nano Optical components for LED, Display, Communication, Photonic IC, etc

      2. Bio chip, Bio sensor, Lab on a chip, Chemical Sensor

       3. Next generation energy technologies

          (Solar cell, Fuel cell, Boiling Heat transfer, Drag reduction etc) 


Location and contacts

      ◈  주소 : 서울시 동작구 흑석로 84 중앙대학교 (우) 156-756

            Address : Chung-Ang Univ., Heukseok-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul 156-756, Korea

            교수연구실 : 310동 530호

            대학원생 연구실 : 207동 329호, 실험실 : 207동 507호

      ◈ TEL. : +82-2-820-5877 (교수 연구실)

      ◈ FAX. : +82-2-814-9476


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