
List of publications in 2016.

    1. (INT JOURNAL) Carole Adam, Benoit Gaudou. BDI agents in social simulations: a survey. In: Knowledge Engineering Review. Volume 31(3), June 2016, pp. 207-238. Link. PDF. Read.

    2. (NAT JOURNAL) Franck Taillandier, Carole Adam, Etienne Delay, Odile Plattard, Mira Toumi. SPRITE – un modèle de simulation participative pour la sensibilisation au risque de submersion marine sur l’île d’Oléron. Annales du BTP. (in press) 2016. PDF

    3. (INT CONF) Carole Adam, Benoit Gaudou. Modelling human behaviours in disasters from interviews: application to Melbourne bushfires. Social Simulation Conference (SSC). Roma, September 2016. PDF

    4. (INT CONF) Christian Villavicencio, Silvia Schiaffino, J. Andres Diaz-Pace, Ariel Monteserin, Yves Demazeau and Carole Adam. A MAS approach for group recommendation based on negotiation techniques. Practical Applications of MAS (PAAMS 2016). Sevilla, Spain, 1-3 June 2016. PDF

    5. (INT CONF) Patrick Taillandier, Mathieu Bourgais, Philippe Caillou, Carole Adam and Benoit Gaudou A situated BDI agent architecture for the GAMA modelling and simulation platform. MABS workshop @ AAMAS 2016. PDF

    6. (INT CONF) Carole Adam, Franck Taillandier, Etienne Delay, Odile Plattard, Mira Toumi. SPRITE – participatory simulation for raising awareness about coastal flood risk on the Oleron island. ISCRAM-med 2016. PDF

    7. (INT CONF) Carole Adam, Geoffrey Danet, John Thangarajah and Julie Dugdale. BDI modelling and simulation of human behaviours in bushfires. ISCRAM-med 2016. PDF

    8. (INT CONF) Carole Adam, Wafa Johal, Damien Pellier, Humbert Fiorino, Sylvie Pesty. Social Human-Robot Interaction: a new Cognitive and Affective Interaction-Oriented Architecture. 8th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR2016'). Kansas City, MO, USA, 1-3 novembre 2016. In: Social Robotics, Agah, A., Cabibihan, J.-J., Howard, A., Salichs, M.A., He, H. (Eds.), Springer LNAI 9979, pp. 253--263.

    9. (INT CONF) Carole Adam, Patrick Taillandier, Julie Dugdale. Comparing agent architectures in social simulation: BDI agents versus finite-state machines. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-50): January 4-7, 2017. Hilton Waikoloa Village.

    10. (NAT CONF) Carole Adam, Benoit Gaudou. Modélisation de comportements humains en situation de crise à partir d’entretiens : application aux incendies de forêt de Melbourne. CNIA, Clermont-Ferrand, juillet 2016. PDF

    11. (NAT CONF) Damien Pellier, Carole Adam, Wafa Johal, Sylvie Pesty. Interaction sociale homme-robot avec CAIO. Une nouvelle architecture cognitive affective orientée interaction. WACAI, Brest, juin 2016.

    12. (NAT CONF) Franck Taillandier, Carole Adam, Etienne Delay, Odile Plattard, Mira Toumi. SPRITE – un modèle de simulation participative pour la sensibilisation au risque de submersion marine sur l’île d’Oléron. 34èmes Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil de l'AUGC. Liège, Mai 2016. PDF