Organic Garden CoOp Volunteer Opportunities & Sharing of harvest.

Mission: Our purpose is to encourage the cultivation of Local Organic produce, herbs, and flowers to consume, share, or trade with our fellow members. For Better Tasting, Fresher Organic Food, Good Exercise in the Gardens without a gym fee or driving somewhere, Greatly Reduced Carbon Foot Print - Saves Money - Can be Fun & relaxing - Creates Beauty - Be Part of Positive Change - Meet New and Interesting People - Stop Poisoning Yourself With Chemical Pesticides - Help Sustain Environment - Reduce Stress - Live a Longer, Healthier, and Happier Life by understanding and working with nature. Harvest time is share time with the potential for anyone who can't volunteer to donate what they can for healthy food & live in a Co-Op Community.

What, Why of an Organic CoOp? Organic gardening is a form of gardening that relies on natural methods such as crop rotation , green manure , compost , organic matter , biological pest control, soil solarization and cultivation without gas powered machines to maintain soil productivity and control pests, while excluding the use of all synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or any other unnatural means of agriculture.

We have several garden beds organically prepared for planting and others taking shape. We have additional land available to cultivate. We believe it is important to make use of all resources available not just the full sun gardens that veggies and herbs love. So in partially sunny spots we can house chickens, keep bees for honey, grow worm bins for plant food & compost, grow aloe & more. In the dark cool places we can grow mushrooms etc..

Want to help? We need:

    • Volunteer to dig wells to get cheaper water or help paying for water bills or developing wells.
    • Volunteer Organizer to work toward making our city green in an organic healthy sense instead of the greenwashing that is going on now. (Green is not a green chem lawn!)
  • Organizers to develop Co-Op & Speakers to for local meetings & city council.
  • Rain Barrels or Tanks to hold water
  • Experienced Organic Gardeners
  • Inexperienced Organic Gardeners
  • Vermiculturalists
  • Beekeepers
  • Soap Makers
  • Quilters
  • Chicken Keepers
  • Chicken house builders
  • Architect or designer to improve buildings and camp spots.
  • Additional Land
  • The List Goes On....

Email Me with your interest & how you would like to help.

Organic Vegetable Gardening Resources

Free Rain Barrel Workshop

National Cooperative Business Association

Examples of Mature Garden Co-ops

1) GreenStar Co-op

2) Rainbow Grocery

3) People's Food Co-op

4) Local Harvest - Community Supported Agriculture

Organic Garden Rules;





Please don't disturb the neighbors living near gardens.

No city water use unless the water bill comes to you to pay.

Free Plant Days ( Mexican petunias, Mexican sunflowers, Boston Ferns & Four o clocks and others) are Saturday 10am at 2526 54th St S at : Contact us by appointment only, Please. No early or late comers as this takes the old mans energy which is limited. Bring pots or newspaper to wrap up plants & shovel, your energy & water to receive free organically grown plants from our gardens that are growing out of the beds into the walkways looking for new homes. PLEASE DO TAKE ANY PLANTS IN ANY YARD OR GARDEN WITHOUT PERSONALLY DISCUSSING IT WITH BRYAN BEFORE YOU TAKE IT OR IT WILL BE CONSIDERED THEFT.

Gulfport Art Walk Free Lemongrass tea with Bamboo plants & lemongrass cuttings available for donations of time or what have you to benefit

Take Pictures of smoking vehicles with the license tag recorded time and day of polluting event to report it to police.

Help us to promote the ideas on this web site by organizing with us to attend council meetings to show support for them.