
The Ecology Group, within the Department of Biology is home to 14 Principle Investigators and ~70 graduate students. This dynamic group encompasses all levels of ecological study and emphasizes a highly collaborative approach to research.

If you are interested in joining my research group, please contact me via email. Include a current CV, transcripts (unofficial), and a brief statement of research interests. Given the nature of my research program, I am primarily interested in candidates with strong backgrounds in aquatic ecology, fish ecology, behavioural ecology/animal behaviour and/or evolutionary ecology.

Information regarding application procedures is available at:

Helpful hints to apply for graduate school

1) Before writing potential supervisors, read some of their papers. This will give you a better idea of what they are looking for and if your academic background is a good match. Generic, impersonal emails are far less likely to receive favourable responses.

2) You will generally not be expected to provide a proposal at this early stage, but a paragraph or two of what you can contribute to the lab will allow your application to stand out!

3) If your academic background is not directly related to the research profile of the supervisor you are contacting (your previous degrees are in Molecular Biology and you're applying to an Ecology lab), take the time to explain your interests and point out relevant courses and/or research experiences.

4) Faculty members receive hundreds of emails about graduate studies every term; don't send a generic email (these WILL be deleted). Tell us why you want to do grad work, what training you have that is relevant, relevant research experiences.... make your email stand out!

Why study at Concordia?

Concordia University has a very strong and productive research group; one that encourages collaboration and innovation. Researchers are currently focussing on the ecology of plants and animals at all levels, from individual adaptations up to ecosystem interactions. Additionally, Concordia University actively supports interdisciplinary research projects and has programs in place that allow students to tailor their own degree program.

For those interested in the ecology of fish, Concordia will be opening the new Integrated Science Hub; home to our new Aquatics Facility.