Who is Brenda Power?

So who is Brenda Power? 

She was born in Flint, MI but grow up in the Ovid, MI.  She is the third daughter out of four girls and is the fifth child out of six.  Her father died when she was seven or eight. She doesn’t remember. Her brother died when she was nine. Her mother died when she was twenty-five. But those are just details.  

She has been asking that questions since 1990.  That one question followed with deeper questions from, “What is life?” to “What is my purpose here on earth?”  These questions began to motivate and drive her to find the answers.  She looked through history and noticed that people have asked those questions and some really got the answers.  The answers to these questions are very personal. She learned that through eras of time. The answers we seek begin to reveal themselves more and more.   She feels this is the Era that a lot of people will get their answers.

In the beginning of being a child, Brenda felt really connected to her creator.  There was so much faith and trust that she was protected and guided. She knew she was never alone.  She always talked to God.  She felt that God always responded.  She was communicating with God’s angels, guides, or other spirits.   She felt the creator inside of her.  She knew that the creator was inside of her and outside of her. She knows that if she picked dirt that God was there. She wasn’t exposed to any form of church.  She didn’t know what church was until her friends at the age of 8 invited her.  After being at the church, she started to find the world’s meaning to who God was.  She grew to realize that it didn’t matter where she was God is always there. 

In April of 1984, when she was 16, she had a vision.  This vision was a big one that shocked her to her core.  The problem was that she saw it seconds before it all began.  She said, “she want outside to talk to a friend.”  She wasn’t allowed to have friends over after 9pm. She had to baby sit her sister because her mother had to work third shift at a nursing home which was just across the driveway. As she was standing talking to her friend that was in his truck, she looked down to the carwash and she saw her boyfriend in his green nova.  She could tell that he was angry. He revved that car up so much that it was rocking side to side.  The car looked like a monster. She started to panic.  Her boyfriend was so jealous and in rage. In that instant the vision flashed before her eyes.  She didn’t like what she saw.  Then when she came back to reality, the vision played itself out. She numbly heard herself say those dreaded words that were said in the vision. She felt like she was in a slow motion movie.  She told her male friend, I think you better stay, no go, no wait. He drove off peeling the tires . She watched in horror. She couldn’t see them anymore. She ran into the house and grabbed the police scanner. Then ran up to her bedroom. She plugged the police scanner in and turned it on. As she looked out the west window in the dark, her heart was beating so fast as if it was out of her chest. She knew what was coming next. She heard the police on the scanner and then she noticed the lights flashing outside speeding down the road in the direction that her boyfriend and friend went.  She cried and cried because she knew there was nothing she could do. She had to let the vision play it self out.  She waited in anticipation because the vision ended with her pounding on her male friend’s chest.  


As the time passed from 9pm until 2am, all she did was hold her breathe and cried. There was a knock on the door. The lump in her throat started to choke her. She leaped up and was so afraid to answer the door but she knew that she wanted to answer the door.  It seemed like eternity but finally she opened the door and there her male friend stood with bloodshot eyes.  He couldn’t say any words. She began to start pounding on his chest and that was when the vision ended. As her friend began to explain that her boyfriend chased him, she kept saying no no no, I don’t want to know. I already know that he is dead or is dying.  I don’t want to hear because that would have to make it real.  He asked her how do you know what happened? She didn’t tell him.  He said I must tell you.  As your boyfriend began to pass me to run me off the road his car flipped over and over.  As I came back around to him several cars already stopped, there was a nurse on site. He wasn’t wearing his seatbelt and was thrown from the car.

To make a long story short.  Being thrown from the car, which in this case was a good thing.  The roof had collapsed in such away that it probably would have decapitated him. He was in the ICU for 9 days.  On the 9 day, he was considered brain dead.  His mother finally had to pull the plug.

Bates lived her life in a despondent way until in 1989. In 1989, her mother found out she had cancer.  The shear panic of losing another person that she loved was terrifying. She was go to sleep and within five minutes she would start crying and then be okay.  The emotional roller coaster was too much. She knew she had to heal it some how. She was committed to help her mother.  The drive back and forth from Indiana to Michigan wasn’t bad but over time it added up. She felt like a visitor at her mothers because most of her belongings were at her house in Indiana.


To pass the time she felt guided to open the bible. She read it from cover to cover three times. The third time around the book came to life. Man’s words disappeared and God’s word appeared. The meaning to the bible was so much more deeper than what people think.  She had awakened from a long slumber. She was using her abilities in a different way but using them nonetheless. She could see the synchronicity in things.  She began to live her day more intentionally.  She found that the fastest way to learn things is to journal.  She looks at life as an adventure. She realized that she had shut down her abilities because of several visions that had scared her.  Now that she was awakened, she found it interesting that she had thought that everyone knew and used their abilities. 

Over time she had listened to people that were afraid of abilities. They didn’t understand it and so they labeled evil and wrong.  She then had a flash back to when she was a child in church and how they spoke of how wrong it was to have abilities like I did. When she shared her abilities, she became that outcast.  As a child she wanted to be accepted.  It was a bit shocking for her to realize that pretty much all of her life she has been running from the one thing that God gave her. She wanted to be accepted and approved of that she began as child to change herself to become what others wanted.  She thought that if she pleased others and became what others wanted that would define who she was. She felt like two people. There was the one that changed herself for others to be accepted and the other that wanted to honor her Creator.  The one that wanted to honor her creator was confused and disheartened that people rejected people that were different.  She always felt that we as people are to be unity by individualism.  That same part also noticed that not everyone knew they had abilities or that they used them.   She thought everyone used their abilities.  She knew why she didn’t use her abilities. Because of several bad experiences with her abilities that scared her to the point that she shut them down. But this was a blessing in disguise. When she didn’t use them she felt separated and disconnected from her Creator.  This only helped her to appreciate them even more.

She has been learning non-stop since then and is happy to report that she feels like the mask is off. With all the tools and techniques that God has shown her, she is able to heal instead of deal with life. She can finally say, “Yes, I know who I am. “ I am a spiritual being incarnated into physical form. I have different functions and path to play so that I can resolve to evolve. She continues to study every day because she knows that we can only learn a little at a time and that all things are possible and nothing is unlimited. She has been learning all she can about life, purposes, and abilities.  She is getting her doctorate in metaphysical science, which is the study of what is the nature of being and reality.  She loves the quantum psychic field.  She has dedicated her life to help herself and others heal. She has a practice and she is a teacher as well.  Everyday she ask God what is it that I am to learn today.  And at the end of the day she prays and tells God what she has learned that day.