
At the bottom of the page is document listing detailed duties each village owed to its owner. It was compiled at the time of abolishment and includes compensation to the owners.


1. Village

2. Domain

3. County

4. Number of farms

5. Area (size) in morgi - 0.5 hectar (

6. Area in fathom around 2 meters each (

Without compensation

7. Number of days

8. Value in Zloty (Gold)

9. Kreuzers (cents)

With Compensation

10-11 Farm products

Labor and fabrics (yarn)

12 - Labor in days using horse or oxen

13 - Labor (w/o horse)

14 - Fabric (yarn)

15-16 Value

17-18 Rent

I exchanged emails with Bogdan Horbal on the subject and here are some excerpts:

[Q]: Before abashment of serfdom, did villages legally owned their land or were mere tenants?

[A:] It appears that they owed some land at first, but later landlords would

often take it away.

When Austria took over Galicia the gov tried to separate rustical lands

(owned by peasants) from landlord's land

and forbade to transfer from one ownership to the other but this rule/law

was not followed.

[Q]: Why some villages were obligated to perform labor while others only paid rent money?

[A:] As far as paying monetary payments instead of corvee I think it was between

the landlord and the peasant to decide which way was preferred

and was often set in the original documents that governed the

creation/settlement of particular villages.

Many of those villages that previously belong to Royal domains which after

1772 were sold into private hands or

kept by the state were paying and not doing corvee.