Research Images

Microencapsulations which could contain a wide range of structural, functional and biological payloads (Read feature article in Chemistry World)

Fibres/scaffolds and membranes bearing advanced materials (see recent highlight in Chemical Biology and article in iBiology)

Multicomponant structures containing a wide range of permutations and combinations of structural, functional and/or biological advanced materials.

Whole organisms we have explored for validating our novel technologies.

Structures which could be used for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine and drug delivery/advanced therapeutics

Cell bearing beads and scaffolds/membranes, most useful for three-dimensional model culture design for drug development and discovery to personalised medicine.

See paper E. Ward, E. Chan, K. Gustafsson and S.N. Jayasinghe, Bio-electrospraying with gene therapy: a unique biotechnique for the delivery of nanotherapeutic payloads via living cells, Analyst, 135(2010)1042-1049.