
Complete Mutator List

You can usually add any combination of these Mutators to fully customize the gameplay to your own personal taste.  Check out my guide on Mutators to learn how to enable them.  More detailed information about all available Mutators and their documentation can be found in the ReadMe.

Command Mod Mutators

The essential mutator for WWII immersion is the Command Mod.  All new commands, battle dialogue, and animations, with some new AI improvements and more intense grenade battles.  Plus, you can mantle over obstacles, peek over walls, and throw smoke grenades.

War Zone Mutators

For the most intense firefights and to experience the chaos of battle, these mutators add up to a dozen more soldiers to your own squad, including bazooka soldiers.  

Dangerous AI Mutators

Tired of the static nature of the Germans in Brothers in Arms?  Dangerous AI gives them the ability to maneuver, reposition, flank, retreat, and even assault.  Get ready for all new challenges.

Hollywood FX

All new impact, explosion, and blood effects will bring your Brothers in Arms battles to all new levels of action and excitement.

Multiplayer Mutators

Finally, you can play against the computer in any Multiplayer map using the Demonic MP Mutator.  The Demons will play just like a human opponent by capturing objectives, setting and defusing bombs, and defending.

Realism Mutators

Customization Options

Miscellaneous Mutators