Sponsored Projects

Principal Investigator (PI) of following Projects:

7. Government sponsored Project (National)

Sponsor: National Supercomputing Mission, DST, India

Title: Computational investigations of instability driven transport in low temperature magnetized plasma discharges using massively parallel 2D-3V PIC-MCC (Particle in Cell/Monte Carlo Collision) simulations.

Duration: 2 Years (2021-2023).

6. Government sponsored Project (National)

Sponsor: ISRO- Indian Space Research Organization, India

Title: Satellite Network Simulator with ULPC and ACM features

Co-PI: Prof. Yash Vasavada

Duration: 2 Years (2020-2022).

5. Government sponsored Project (National)

Sponsor: DST-SERB/ Department of Science and Technology, India

Title: Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Complex Plasma Dynamics during High Power Millimeter Wave Breakdown

Duration: 3 Years (2019-2022).

4. Government sponsored Project (National)

Sponsor: Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)/ Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), India

Title: Kinetic Modeling of Large size Negative Ion Sources for Fusion Application using Emerging Parallel Processing Computer Architectures.

Duration: 3 Years (2016-2019).

3. International Sponsored Project

Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF), USA

Title: NSF/TCPP CDER Center Early Adopter proposal – the NSF/IEEE-TCPP Curriculum Initiative on Parallel and Distributed Computing - Fall 2014. High Performance Computing for Computational Science at DA-IICT, Gandhinagar, India.

Duration: Multi year starting 2014. 

2. Industry sponsored project

Sponsor- nVIDIA Corporation, USA.

Project- establishing nVIDIA GPU Research Center (GRC) at DA-IICT, Gandhinagar.

Duration- 2015-2016.

1. Industry-Academia Grant

Sponsor- nVIDIA Corporation, USA.

Project- Setting CUDA teaching center at DA-IICT, Gandhinagar, India. Sponsoring Agnecy: nVIDIA Corporation, USA; 

Duration: Two Year (2014-2016) 

Co- Principal Investigator (Co-PI) of following Projects:

1. Government sponsored Project (National)

Sponsor: DST NRDMS/ Department of Science and Technology, India

Title: Development of geomagnetism based indoor navigation system using smartphones

PI: Prof. Kalyan Sashidhar

Duration: 2 Years (2020-2022).

      2. Government sponsored Project (National)

Sponsor: Department of Science and Technology, India

Title: FIST Level 1 (Engineering Sciences)

Duration: 5 Years (2020).